Discover Your Reasons to Love Organic This September

Discover Your Reasons to Love Organic This September

The UK’s biggest celebration of all things organic will be taking place throughout the month of September.

Watch out for events up and down the country on organic farms, in schools, cafes, restaurants and on a high street near you. Look out also for special offers on organic products in supermarkets and independent food stores.

Discover your reasons to love organic this September. There are lots to choose from! Organic food is produced from natural farming systems which are kind to animals, avoid the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilisers and GM ingredients are banned.

The Soil Association’s top five reasons to love organic are:

  • Food you can trust
  • Better for the environment
  • High standards of animal welfare
  • Helps protect wildlife
  • Ensures a GM-free diet

Kicking off events will be the ever popular Organic Food Festival taking place on 3 & 4 September at Bristol Harbourside. Now in its eleventh year the festival celebrates the full spectrum of organic fare with hundreds of stalls selling delicious food and drink, organic clothes and beauty products.

Organic September is a great opportunity for people to discover their reasons to love organic and to enjoy special offers and events happening across the UK.

Reasons to support sustainable organic food and farming systems have never been more compelling in the face of climate change, the rising cost of oil, increased pressure on our natural environment, declining wildlife, and the threat of US style mega-farms coming to the UK.

Food and farming have a vital role to play when it comes to our impact on the planet, given that farming is responsible for 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions and up to 30 per cent of our individual carbon footprint is based on our food choices. Choosing kind, healthy, wildlife friendly organic food has got to be the easiest, most delicious and enjoyable way to make a real difference.

Helen Browning, new director of the Soil Association

Organic September is the biggest annual celebration of all things organic.

There are so many reasons to love organic, discover yours.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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