The Big Organic Eat-in

The Big Organic Eat-in

Share organic food with your friends and family this September.

Celebrate good food and help raise money for the Soil Association, who endeavour to safeguard a sustainable farming future for the UK.

We're reaching a cross roads for the future of British farming with increasing numbers of mega farming units being proposed around the country and the Soil Association needs your support if they are to continue to fight the introduction of these units.

By taking part in their big organic eat in you will be helping them continue to raise awareness and fight against factory-style farms where animals will spend little or no time outdoors and where threats posed to human health are on the increase due to high levels of antibiotic use.

To show your support for a more sustainable food and farming future, and raise money to support our work, why not join our Big Organic Eat-in?

Whether it's a dinner, a breakfast, a cake sale, or a pot-lunch at work, our resources and recipes can be adapted to make your event a great success.

All you have to do is share your reasons to love organic food and farming and remember to collect those donations. What better way of supporting the Soil Association than sharing some good organic food with your friends could there be?

Get involved

The Soil Association has got everything you need to make your event a great success. To get you started they have supplied some recipe ideas from some of the UK's top chefs - including Allegra McEvedy, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Raymond Blanc and Valentine Warner.Allegra

And whatever your menu choices, for further help with your meal planning you can also see their top tips for Organic on a Budget and while you're at it why not check out their five reasons why organic food offers great value for both your wallet and for the planet.

The Soil Association also want your guests to make a donation to support to their work, and to help make this easy, they have partnered with the Dinner4Good website.

Just register your event on their page on Dinner4Good, add the emails of your invitees, and the site will manage invitations and guest lists, and as an added bonus it can collect and process any donations from guests securely and efficiently - leaving you free to concentrate on the cooking.

Once your 'Eat-in' is finished, the Soil Association want to hear about it. So please take lots of photos and then upload them to their Flickr photo album or share them on their Facebook page.

Most of all, enjoy yourselves - Organic food and farming is based around respect for natural processes, and what could be more respectful than celebrating and enjoying the end product with your friends?

To get started and for more information visit: The Big Organic Eat-in

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
