Share a Slice of History with BSA

Share a Slice of History with BSA

2012 marks the 250th anniversary of the sandwich - by far the most popular food in the UK - and the industry body, the British Sandwich Association (BSA), has announced a series of exciting projects it will be rolling out to support this very special birthday.

Not only will the organisation be joining with key partners to celebrate the sheer popularity of the food phenomenon created by the Earl of Sandwich, but is also keen to raise more awareness of the industry as a key employment driver in the UK.

Over the course of the year the BSA will be launching a 'sandwich of the month' campaign in conjunction with supporting partners as well as a series of consumer competitions.

At the same time, the BSA will continue to run its annual industry awards including its 'Sandwich Designer of the Year 2012', which sees sandwich makers compete to create new sandwich concepts. The final heat of this prestigious competition will take place during British Sandwich Week, which this year runs 13th -19th May.

The sandwich industry is big business for the nation, employing in excess of 300,000 people across the UK alone.

Borne out the Earl of Sandwich requesting his manservant bring him some 'cuts of beef between slices of toasted bread', the sandwich has evolved to offer huge choice and variety...

Advances in preparation, storage and delivery have allowed the humble sandwich to become a major business sector, with manufacturers and sandwich bars across the UK offering ready-made sandwiches to consumers on the move.

The know-how developed in the UK has also been exported across the globe, including countries such as the USA and Japan, where they are becoming mainstream.

This year is a monumental one for the sandwich and we are keen to get as many people involved as possible. A new consumer website has been launched which will evolve as the year progresses and we are encouraging people to share their thoughts and ideas on sandwiches through Facebook and Twitter.

Jim Winship, director at BSA

The BSA will be announcing forthcoming activities and initiatives to showcase the sandwich via its new website,, and via its Facebook page and Twitter channel.

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