Busy Mums Buy Miniscoff

Busy Mums Buy Miniscoff

When I first had my children I promised myself that I would try to make every meal from start to finish and try to give my children fresh home-cooked meals, every day.Miniscoff

And as I ventured more into my foodie world my recipes and expertise in the kitchen developed. Most of the meals I make can be quite sophisticated and I do love experimenting.

Unfortunately, with all intent and purpose, there are some nights though when time is so short and energy low...

And that is where I have found Miniscoff Ready Meals and Sauces to be brilliant. The meals are designed for children under eight years old but this has not stopped me. Founded in 2001 by father of three, Angus Olipant, Miniscoff is aimed at busy mums like me.

The recipes sound appetizing and both my children seem to love them. Actually, if I am honest, they didn't even notice half the time that they were eating a 'ready-meal'.

With Miniscoff, the portion size is perfect for a hungry older child but could suit two if they were looking for a light lunch.

Every meal we tried was of good quality, nice aroma, and good taste - and packed full of fresh ingredients, with lovely chunks of meat or cheese. Full reheating information is on each packet and heating from frozen is not an issue.

I like to know what I am eating so do check packets and look at ingredients regularly, and what I like about Miniscoff is that everything on the packaging is easy to identify.

"We just use the best organic ingredients, sourced as locally as possible - no need for nasty additives or preservatives. Also, we only use very sensible amounts of salt, sugar, and fat, so our sauces can be enjoyed by all the family."

For more information on the Miniscoff brand visit www.miniscoff.co.uk

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