Editor's Choice

Bringing in Our Harvest at Your Source Today

It is hard to believe that it is now five months since we started clearing a pumpkin patch for our food editor, Sarah, to grow her Halloween fruits. And even more unbelievable that the pumpkin patch ended up as a small allotment, with a multitude of beds growing food for our tables. Well now has come the time to harvest many of the vegetables and fruits we have grown - and you can read the next instalment of our home-grown story today.

Reaping the Home Grown Harvest from our Allotment

It has been three months since we told you about our new venture to 'grow our own' on a small allotment space we have been given. This past week has seen us harvesting produce that has matured, learning a lot about what not to do and freeing up space for some more seeds to grow.

Are You Ready to Support Independent, Individual and Small Businesses?

At Your Source one of our main aims has been to support and highlight start-up companies, smaller business owners and independent, individual people doing what they love with a passion, while producing fabulous products along the way. My name is Sue and for the last four years I have been passionate about Your Source Today and this is why...

Living Gluten & Dairy-Free on the FODMAP Diet

After four decades of living with a grumbling tummy, anti-social bowel movements and acid indigestion, I have finally stumbled into the office of a doctor who was more willing to do something, other than pay my constant ailments lip-service whilst handing over another anti-acid prescription. My latest, in a long line of numerous visits to the surgery, resulted in seeing a new doctor and not one of my regulars, and had me leaving the building more upbeat than ever and without a prescription in my bag.

Growing Our Own - The Transformation Begins

When we were given access to a small patch of overgrown land, to clear and grow our own fruit and vegetable, we seized the opportunity and began work at the beginning of March to transform our patch into an allotment space. Share our highs and lows as we begin to grow our own and follow our journey through to the harvest when we hope to have a selection of produce we can use to create homegrown recipes.

Awful for April but the Sun is Shining through the Fog

If you have been following my resolution to change my diet and lifestyle through out 2014 you will know that after starting the year dairy- and gluten-free, I had lost 7lbs and began to see many of my intolerance symptoms disappear, along with my brain fog, tiredness and generally feeling run down. Yet throughout March I didn't just slip - I fell headlong off the wagon! And like many people fell into the trap of thinking I had conquered my resolutions so deserved the odd treat.

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