Introducing Stolichnaya's Cupboard Cocktails - Original Cocktails Straight from the Cupboard

Introducing Stolichnaya's Cupboard Cocktails - Original Cocktails Straight from the Cupboard

A little can go a long way with a selection of basic kitchen staples and your favourite Stolichnaya vodka. The Stoli Cupboard Cocktail series of short films, by Stoli's UK brand ambassador Matthew Dakers, shows you how to create original cocktails using ingredients and utensils found in your kitchen cupboards.

Stoli Cupboard Cocktails are all about getting back to basics. You don't need fancy bar equipment to make an original, great tasting cocktail. Quality ingredients are imperative, such as fresh herbs and Stolichnaya premium vodka; add an egg cup and a jam jar and your cocktail cabinet is almost complete.

Get creative and try these twists on original classics from the world's most original vodka. Recreate your Bloody Mary favourite with Stoli Bloody Mariatta - warm up your spirits during the winter months with a Stoli Hot Vody - or shake up the perfect hangover cure with Stoli Big Breakfast.

Stoli® Bloody Mariatta

"As a stand alone, straight spirit, Stoli Vodka tastes just fine but add it to your cocktails and enjoy it on a whole new level. We had fun making this selection of cocktails with some of the everyday ingredients we had in our store cupboard. The Bloody Mariatta is a great alternative to the original but for us it was not to everyone's taste. We would use less cucumber and more tomatoes and be careful with the Tabasco - as a drop too much will certainly overpower this blend."

Stoli Bloody Mariatta


  • 2 egg cups of Stoli Premium
  • Half a lemon
  • Half a fresh cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 4 dashes of tabasco sauce
  • 1 spoonful of Tomato Ketchup
  • 5 dashes of Worcester sauce
  • Ice
  • 1 stick of celery


  1. Squeeze lemon into cup along with chopped cucumber slices and tomato
  2. Add a dash of salt, pepper, tabasco sauce, tomato ketchup, Worcester sauce and mix together
  3. Pour Stoli Premium into the cup and top up with ice
  4. Pass ingredients through two different cups
  5. Finish with lemon and celery garnish and serve

Stoli® Hot Vody

"An easy-peasy cocktail to make. Served hot this Vody is a real winter warmer and ideal to settle in with if you have been caught out in the rain - or feel the snuffles coming on. As an alternative, pour over crushed ice for a cold one and enjoy the sweet honey taste. If you only have regular Stoli simply add an extra spoonful of honey to the mix instead of using Stoli Sticki."

Stoli Hot Vody


  • 1.5 egg cups of Stoli Sticki
  • Half a lemon
  • 1 tea bag
  • Half an egg cup of honey
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  1. Squeeze lemon into a glass and add the tea bag, honey, cinnamon stick and Stoli Sticki
  2. Boil water and pour in the glass to two thirds full and stir
  3. Press a teaspoon against the tea bag for added infusion and take the tea bag out
  4. Give it a stir with the cinnamon stick and enjoy

Stoli® Big Breakfast

"Scraping the burnt bits of toast onto your cocktail just doesn't sound right - but it works! This is a delicious cocktail that everyone should try. OK, the combination of ingredients sounds a little hard to take but once mixed this cocktail is amazing. It tastes like alcoholic marmalade with a 'kick' and the soaked toast finger is divine. If you only make one Stoli Cupboard Cocktail - make it this one!"

Stoli Big Breakfast


  • 2 egg cups of Stoli Premium
  • 1 slice of chunky bread
  • 1 spoonful of tomato ketchup
  • 1 spoonful of brown sauce
  • Half an egg cup of maple syrup
  • 1 grapefruit
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of pepper
  • 1 egg cup of orange juice
  • Top up with ice


  1. Cut a slice of bread and pop in the toaster
  2. Add tomato ketchup, brown sauce and maple syrup into a jam jar and stir
  3. Squeeze grapefruit into jam jar along with a dash of salt and pepper and orange juice
  4. Pour Stoli Premium into the mix and top with ice
  5. Seal with lid and shake
  6. Add garnish of toast and you're good to go

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