Cook With Confidence - Gressingham Duck

Cook With Confidence - Gressingham Duck

It’s that time when we still crave a roast but are starting to look forward to lighter summer recipes.

With a strong range of Gressingham Duck products available, including whole duck, duck legs and duck mini fillets, there’s something for every mood, budget and taste.Galtonpolaroid

If you’re stuck on how to carve a duck, wondering what recipe works best or how to achieve a succulent, tasty roast duck, Gressingham Foods and Michelin-starred chef Galton Blackiston have the solution.

The culinary pair have teamed up to create delicious recipes and provide practical cooking tips to make sure you get the best from your unique Gressingham Duck.

Michelin-starred chef Galton Blackiston's tips on cooking and carving the perfect roast Gressingham duck....


  • Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7/220°C/425°F.
  • Prick the duck with a fork, season and place on a trivet in a roasting tin in the oven.
  • After 30 minutes turn the oven down to gas mark 2/150°C/300°F and continue to roast for a further two hours.
  • Remove from the oven and allow the duck to rest for 20 minutes before carving.


  • First remove the legs. Pull a leg away from the breast, sliding a sharp knife in-between and cut through to the bone.
  • Turn the duck over and cut away from the breasts pulling until you get to the leg joint.
  • By twisting a little, the leg should pull out of the socket easily. Repeat for the other leg.
  • The breasts can be removed by sliding a sharp knife between the meat and the breast bone, pulling back carefully with your fingers and cutting the
    meat away as you go.
  • Once the two breasts are removed, slice and serve. Enjoy!

Half price delivery during April & May only, for all online orders.


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