Thank Pink It's Friday

Thank Pink It's Friday

Getting involved with Pink Fridays this October is easy to do and can include anything from a tea break in the office with pink food and drinks, to a pink pamper party with your mates at home.

This October Breast Cancer Care is encouraging people to liven up their Friday afternoons by organising a fun pink activity at work or home!

To support the 50,000 people who are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK, Breast Cancer Care is encouraging people nationwide to take part in the charity's Pink Friday fundraising campaign throughout October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The campaign is to help fund vital services, such as the charity's helpline, information points in hospitals and support groups for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Why not...

Get everyone at school, college or work dressed in a pink wig, hat or feather boa - or even all three!

Host a pink pamper night for the girls (and boys!) at your home - try pink make-up, manicures or face masks.

Bake some pink cupcakes and sell them to your friends or colleagues...

Pink Lisa

I've been an ambassador for Breast Cancer Care for nearly seven years now and I'm so excited about hosting my own Pink Friday this October. It's the best excuse ever to get my girlies together for a laugh and a chat while knowing we are making a real difference.

Did you know that every day in the UK more than 130 people are diagnosed with breast cancer?

By holding a Pink Friday pamper party or selling some pink cupcakes (my personal favourites!) in your office, you will help to ensure Breast Cancer Care can be there for each and every one of them. So come on ladies, let's do it!

Lisa Snowdon, Breast Cancer Care Ambassador

Register now for a free Pink Fridays fundraising kit, full of party ideas and fundraising tips.

Call 0870 164 9422 or visit:

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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