Shewee Flying Off the Shelves at the 2013 Vitality Show

Shewee Flying Off the Shelves at the 2013 Vitality Show

Shewee are proud to announce that the 2013 Vitality Show was an enormous success for the company with one Shewee being sold every minute and the Shewee website enjoying record breaking hits!

The Shewee stand was situated directly opposite the toilets at the show, meaning women using the facilities were flocking to buy the innovative item after realising they no longer had to sit on a toilet seat in someone else's drips and stains.

The Shewee is a portable urinating device that allows women to wee standing up and without making contact with a dirty toilet.

Many women were thanking the Inventor Samantha Fountain at the stand for being such an inspirational woman. In fact, the show was full of inspirational women who support and use the product, including the Race For Life team, The Coxless Rowers, and motivational Speaker Jolene Setterfield, who endorsed the Shewee in her performance at Vitality.

Dragon's Den participant and inventor of the Shewee, Samantha Fountain, was even approached at the show by one of the production team from the successful program. They would like her to return to the Den with her new invention, The Peebol,( a sort of mini disposable toilet!)

The Peebol is set to be every bit as successful as the Shewee, which is now sold in a worldwide market. Its launch this year will be a very exciting new project for the company, and it was very well received by visitors to the stand who were able to inspect the item prior to its release.

It struck me how guys don't mind using public toilets so I came up with a way of effectively urinating like a man. Men can just stroll up and be on their way in a few seconds. While women have to fuss in the cubicle to find a place for their bag, clean the seat, find loo roll, worry about the strength in their legs to be able to hover - all the time worrying about touching things for fear of germs and being conscious that it takes so much longer for a woman to use a public toilet.

Shewee does away with all of this fuss - there really is no end to the situations where a Shewee is handy.

Samantha Fountain - Shewee Inventor

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