Seeing Eye to Eye with SpeckyFourEyes

Seeing Eye to Eye with SpeckyFourEyes

When it comes to buying a new pair of glasses, what seems like a bargain can be the start of an accumulation of costs that sees those lovely frames becoming a very expensive completed pair of spectacles.

SpeckyFourEyes (S4E) takes the stress of buying out of the equation and lets you select the glasses you want, with minimum effort, with transparent pricing throughout - and for fraction of the high street cost!

We examined the process of buying a pair of glasses online to see if this really is the way forward.

Once we had an up-to-date prescription* we were ready to start the process of buying a pair of glasses online, so we popped along to the S4E website to see what was on offer.

The range of frames, styles and accessories they have is exceptionally extensive, but their easy-to-use search tool helps you narrow down the choice available to your personal preferences.Se B

We had a good look at what was on offer to us before refining our choice to a pair of Bench frames for £39. We were able to measure our old frames to get a size match as well as using the handy size guide available to double check the fit.

If you are unsure of the frame size you need then simply use the S4E frame search.

If your present frames don't have the size on them or you don't already have a pair of glasses then S4E lists all the relevant frame dimensions on each product page so that you can get a good size match.

With our frames selected, we were asked to define how we intended to use our glasses; to assess whether we needed single vision for short, intermediate or long vision, bifocal, non-optical (frames only) or clear non-prescription lenses for fashion use.

The next few choices couldn't have been clearer. Yes, there are a lot of other add-ons to choose from but they are all listed in a clear and transparent way, affording you the glasses you want, with all the extra options you wish to choose - or not.

In the Lens Package section we opted for 'Specky 2' and were given clear details as to the benefits of this choice, as well as being able to view all of the other choices without obligation. If you simply want the free standard lenses you can skip ahead.

If you fancy transitions, sunglasses, tints or polarised lenses then the next step will walk you through all the colours and choices available, again with prices clearly marked for each package. We definitely like the 'no hidden costs' approach.

After being given a choice of accessories, including cases and clip-on sunglasses, we were ready to input our prescription details. This is probably one of the most important steps to get right, as any mistakes here could be costly.Se A

S4E will help you read your prescription correctly but if you are unsure then give them a call and they will double check this with you.

We accidentally input our Sphere (SPH) as a negative in one eye and positive in the other. Although this is not unheard of, it is not that common, and we received an email within minutes to check if this was correct.

With S4E any concerns regarding a lack of the 'human element' or customer service with remote purchasing are quickly eased.

Our prescription didn't include our Pupillary Distance (PD) measurements, and the optician we used for our sight test refused to give this to us, stating they would only measure it if they were dispensing our spectacles.

We shopped around and found another dispensing opticians that was more than happy to oblige with the measurements although S4E are again on hand to help with this.

The Summary page shows you everything you have included in your order, allowing you a further chance to edit or change your choices. At all stages you have the option to return to the previous page or skip ahead to the next stage for fast track ordering. Once you have settled on your choice you are taken to a final summary page where the postage cost (£3.99) is added before you proceed to check out.Se B

The final price tag? Including standard thickness lenses, scratch resistant hard coating, anti-reflection (anti-glare) coating and postage - £61.99. Try matching that on the high street.

The whole process is probably quicker than reading this article! With emails notifying you of your purchase and order movements every step of the way you could not be better informed of the progress.

Help was on hand throughout the whole process and we were able to picked up the phone and speak to someone immediately (no computer messages here - just real people, ready to offer help and advice). A callback service is also available for extra convenience.

So once our glasses arrived, what did we really think of them? Well, we did pop to the high street to get some minor adjustments done to the nose pads for perfect fitting and comfortable placement but other than that they were ready to wear.

And worn they were... and still are, every day!

Our tester is a young, fashion conscious lady who was very sceptical about buying a pair of glasses online. At worst, she felt she would have a pair she hated and didn't use. At best, a pair to wear around the house.

She has been wearing them inside and out, having replaced her old pair for these as a permanent fixture on her face! Definitely a thumbs up and a conscious decision to buy from SpeckyFourEyes the next time glasses are needed.

For more information and to get yourself some great savings on a new pair of glasses visit

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We believe that your eyesight should not be an expensive luxury. With our great rates, you can personalize your look to the occasion. Perhaps a pair for the workplace, a pair for the weekend, and a pair for that special occasion - whatever your requirement, you will be sure to find a ‘Specky For All Occasions’.

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*In order to place an order for any prescription glasses, you must have a copy of your prescription. The prescription must be less than two years old. Many opticians are now offering sight tests for free but if you do have to pay then it is worth having a quick call around because the prices quoted can differ enormously, with many charging 50% more than others. Also check with your employer if you frequently use a computer because you may be entitled to a free eye test, paid for by the company. Once your eye test is complete, your optician will issue you with a copy of your prescription. This is a legal obligation. You are under no obligation to buy your glasses from where you get your eyes tested.

**We also advise asking the optician to include your PD (pupillary distance) in your prescription. This will help ensure your glasses are a perfect fit. If they refuse however, do not worry! S4E can help you - just give their team a call on 08448 202020.

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