Ripley's Believe It or Not! London Hosts Pop-up Exhibition of Artwork by Sleep Walking Artist

Ripley's Believe It or Not! London Hosts Pop-up Exhibition of Artwork by Sleep Walking Artist

This summer, Ripley's Believe It or Not! London opens its first ever pop-up exhibition - a series of works by British 'sleep walking artist', Lee Hadwin.

Opening on 16th August 2013 with a special appearance by the artist himself, visitors to London's most bizarre attraction can enjoy a mini exhibition showcasing 13 pieces of art that Lee has created whilst in a state of sleep.

Open until 29th September, a series of drawings and paintings as well as videos of Lee creating the pieces and explaining his art will be on display in the Ripley's Believe It or Not! London theatre.

Ripley's Believe It or Not! London is home to more than 700 wonderfully weird artefacts from across the globe and celebrates all that is unusual or just plain bizarre.Sleeping Artist

Lee Hadwin has been described by the Edinburgh Sleep Clinic and the Art World as truly 'unique', he has been studied by doctors and scientists both in the UK and overseas but his nocturnal artistic activities are a still mystery.

With no artistic training, Lee has been producing pieces of artwork in his sleep since the age of four. He is unable to produce such pieces whilst awake but his skills whilst asleep have developed over the years to become more detailed and demand for his pieces from art galleries and exhibitions across the globe continues to grow.

The Ripley's Believe It or Not! brand is such a good fit for my pieces. I'm excited to have a pop-up exhibition somewhere that celebrates all that is different and I hope that the visitors will enjoy my unusual talent and the pieces I've created.

Lee Hadwin, sleep walking artist

Visitors can meet Lee Hadwin when he opens the pop up exhibition on Friday 16th August at Ripley's Believe It or Not! London. He will be signing prints from 12pm - 4pm.

Ripley's Believe It or Not! London is open seven days a week, 365 days a year from 10am until midnight (last admission 10.30pm).

Tickets to this world of wonders situated in the heart of London's West End are £26.95 per adult and £21.95 per child. Family tickets are £87.95 based on two adults and two children. Purchase your tickets online in advance and save 15%.

For full pricing options please visit

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