Empowering Women One Tampon at a Time

Empowering Women One Tampon at a Time

May 28th was Menstrual Hygiene Day. A subject that still seems to make many people squeamish, oddly enough women too but the truth is menstruation, a very natural aspect of a woman's life and affecting half the world's population, remains a very much unspoken subject.

Yet the simple act of just talking about periods and menstruation can change lives.

As Femmecup convertees here at Kokova Magazine we are happy to say that we are comfortable talking 'periods'. FemmecupOK so it may not be something we will bring up at a corporate event or over the dinner table if it is going to make other people draw in and back away - but in all honesty, it should be just as easy a subject as talking about the weather.

Yet, since we discovered the Femmecup a few years back we have certainly been surprised by the number of women, women who this directly affects every month, who have refused to discuss the subject, feel dirty talking about it and who do not want to know about the alternatives just so long as they can keep their hands clean and push their period to the back of their mind.

And this is in the South of England, where the information is readily available and where many safer alternatives are within reach.

Using products like Natracare can reduce the risk of associated problems that come with many 'mainstream' products. Natracare are an award winning, ethical company committed to offering organic and natural solutions for personal health care that leave a soft footprint on the earth. NatracareAll of their feminine hygiene and baby care products use only organic and natural materials that meet the highest organic, environmental and biodegradable standards, sourced from raw material producers that manage and monitor resources respectfully.

"Despite being labelled a 'rare disease', women are still dying every year from Toxic Shock Syndrome, associated with the use of conventional tampons. We still do not know what is going inside sanitary pads, since there are no obligations to disclose ingredients, meaning many women are buying plastic, superabsorbent, chlorine bleached pads. Women are unnecessarily suffering from itching, irritation and reactions against perfumes, plastics and synthetic materials.

Whilst alternatives exist, from organic cotton disposable feminine hygiene products to washable pads and cups, the dominance of mainstream brands in supermarkets and lack of discussion around menstruation means women aren't always aware that they have other options.

In less economically developed nations, especially in southern Asia, the situation is much bleaker. A report released by FrankWater (www.frankwater.com) highlights how poor menstrual hygiene management is severely holding women back, and cultural taboos mean that little is being done to resolve these problems."

Natracare - Menstrual Hygiene Day

The menstrual cup is one of many safer option. It is also more environmentally friendly, causes less waste and more cost effective. Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to but if you can persevere it is a revelation. Personally I wish I had been given one thirty years ago - I feel completely liberated from the soreness and insecurity that using tampons has caused throughout my adult life.Gift Wellness And finding the Femmecup as I near my 'change' means I have one less hassle in my feminine life.

While we are talking menstruation, Gift Wellness Limited have another option available to those itchy, over starched sanitary towels that make life miserable once a month too. Following personal tragedy, Founder Zareen Roohi Ahmed has created cotton-soft, perforated luxury with her sanitary pads, which absorbs liquid on contact leaving you feeling fresh and dry. The special Anion layer made from natural tourmaline minerals helps relieve tension, neutralise odour and balance your pH levels.

Shewee Selection Gift Wellness donates 10% of profits to charity teaming up with The Halimah Trust, who work with Oxfam, UNICEF and other mainstream partners to provide clean water & sanitation, food for malnourished children and motorcycle ambulances for pregnant women in South Sudan, where one in seven children die before the age of five.

The other nuisance in life for us women is when you get caught short whilst out, at festivals and events where the toilet hygiene is less that hygienic and when dropping your knickers to pee is just not an option. The Shewee has taken care of this little obstacle quite nicely for a good portion of women who have been brave enough to try it. Conveniently popped in the glovebox, your overnight bag or even your backpack, the Shewee is a revolution, and the Shewee range now encompasses items for the whole family too.

And while we are on the subject of women and empowerment, let's talk lubrication. Because if you are getting sore and itchy with your towels and tampons, then you are probably looking for something soothing to use in a more intimate setting. Yes have a whole range of lubricants designed not to highlight but to satisfy your intimate pleasure.

"At Yes® we have designed a range of intimacy enhancing lubricants that free you from compromise."

So while we are talking tampons and menstruation, towels and lubrication we may as well go the whole hog and take a look at some of the other 'empowering' products that are available for women. And for this we need look no further than Anne Summers. Far from being a company that produces clothes and accessories that demean women, as has been thought in the past, it allows women to take control of their sexuality; to play with their feelings of fun and adventure and to take some time off from the other aforementioned 'burdens' we struggle with as women!

Recently I am often hearing the phrase "Now it is a time for a dawning of a new era for women, for empowering women.'

But I say now is the time for women to empower themselves - just like any other person can. Now is the time for women to stop being squeamish about their bodily functions because until we learn to be comfortable with our bodies, it will be hard for any one else to share that comfort.

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