All Dogs Matter Dog Rescue and Rehoming in and around London & Norfolk

All Dogs Matter Dog Rescue and Rehoming in and around London & Norfolk

In this day and age it still seems to be a necessity to pick up and re-home the growing number of unwanted pets that people abandon.All Dogs Matter

Aside form the unfortunate people that are left, through no fault of their own, unable to keep a beloved pet, there are many more that simple abandon unwanted animals when and if it suits.

And it is left up to charities like All Dogs Matter (ADM) to pick up the pieces and find suitable homes and foster care for some of these unwanted animals.

With many re-homing centres now struggling to cope with the huge volume of animals coming through their doors, especially dogs, please do consider a rescue before encouraging the breeding of any more unwanted litters, if you are looking to get a new dog,

The dogs who come into ADM care are strays, from pounds or simply dogs whose owners no longer can or want to keep them.

Unfortunately, there is a growing demand for rescue services in the current climate, as more and more unwanted dogs find themselves in need of new homes.

ADM's job is to pair each dog with the best new owner for it, ensuring that it will be safe, cared for and loved for the rest of its life.

All Dogs Matter work hard to rescue as many homeless dogs as they can, but couldn't do so much without the help of our volunteers - foster carers, drivers, fund-raisers, home-visitors. If you would like to be involved or show your support you can visit or pop along the PUP IDOL on the 12th July 2014.

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
