Tried & Tested Tunch Bars

Tried & Tested Tunch Bars

Pack tunch are made from 95% fruit and nuts with a little bit of cereal, are gluten-free, dairy free and come in three delicious flavours; pineapple & coconut, lemon & lime and apple & cinnamon.

One of our readers reviewed Tunch bars and here is what he had to say….

"I was very excited to try a new munchies bar that was healthy by my standards…

I was expecting some sort of biscuit and judging by the thickness of the pack I thought there would be two inside. To my positive surprise there is only one bar per pack, making it more convenient to eat on the go as they are also fairly small and can be eaten with two or three bites.

It’s hard to describe the texture. It’s not like a biscuit at all, fairly hard but slightly squidgy. The ingredients are really well pressed together so it doesn’t fall apart as you take your first bite.

Pineapple being one of my favourite fruits was logically my first choice of Tunch to try. It was simply mouth-watering!

My next choice was the Lemon and Lime flavour, it was absolutely delicious - which surprised me as I really thought the Pineapple would be my favourite. However, this flavour exceeded my expectations.

The last Tunch to try was the Apple and Cinnamon. I’m not a big fan of cinnamon, in fact I can’t stand the stuff, hence I left it to last. Surprising I didn’t dislike it. I found it quite satisfactory.

Overall, an excellent munchies bar that will definitely be added to my cupboard! If you like your healthy, convenient munchies bars that are packed with flavour and good nutrition then these are a must for you!"

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The bars are made in their own little factory on a fruit-farm just outside of Edinburgh, in the lovely Lothian countryside.

You can find them at health and whole food shops as well as online at



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