Just into January on our Fabulous for February Plan

Just into January on our Fabulous for February Plan

This month I am going gluten- and dairy-free and looking for ways to detox after the festive season.

Instead of hopping aboard the trendy 5-2 I have opted to spend the month including a healthier diet to my daily routine. The goal is to feel fabulous for February #FabForFeb - and if I lose a few pounds along the way I won't complain.

After partying in the New Year, starting anything regime on the 1st January is always a tough choice, so my change began five days ago on the 2nd. ANP Pure Detox PackTo begin the month I was keen to detox from December and began a 30-day Pure Detox Pack from ANP - a combination of three supplements to help cleanse from within and achieve better skin. It is designed to bring your body back into balance, boost energy and restore your skin's vitality.

By adding in these supplements I hope to assist my Christmas laden system in flushing out all the toxins it has stored throughout last month. The programme is very simple to follow. I add a measure of probiotics to my morning porridge, take a couple of nutrient capsules with lunch that are designed to support my body's detoxification processes, before finally popping a vitamin C pill with my evening meal. Vitamin C contributes to collagen formation for the normal function of the skin so helps to preserve its firmness and elasticity.

Since December is always a hectic month, and to give me time to work on a more balanced menu, I chose to let ilumi do the hard work for me and started the month with the ilumi Boost Your Energy Diet. This one-week healthy eating guide has been developed with registered nutritionist Dr Janet Aylott and is designed to help give you a much-needed lift to ward off those January blues caused by over-indulgence at Christmas and New Year.

Receiving 21 meals, all ready to heat and eat, without fuss or fancy has given me the break I need to start the month. The week's meals include porridge for breakfast, a hot soup or casserole for lunch and an evening meal that includes recipes such as Aromatic Thai Red Chicken Curry accompanied by scrumptious Yellow Basmati Rice.ilumi Boost Your Energy Diet

Adding in my own fresh vegetables and fruit, gluten-free toast and snacks while also keeping it all dairy-free has been a lot easier with the three main meals already catered for.

So after six days am I feeling fabulous?

Considering two of the last five nights have only reaped four hours sleep and many late nights at work I have to say I would expect to feel shattered by now. But my energy levels are up and my skin is looking clear, with no new breakouts and it looks a little less grey. My eczema flared in the first few days and my stomach felt fine for the first 48 hours. Yet as we move into Day Six, my skin is much less itchy and sore but my tummy has become slightly unsettled. Hopefully this is just an elimination of toxins escaping the regime and leaving by the quickest route. Fingers crossed it settles in the next few days. In light of this I am going to extend the ilumi Boost Your Energy Diet for another week.

After a visit yesterday to my osteopath, Nicholas Coysh, everything is in line for my first yoga class of 2014. Check back next week to see if I last the whole class and for another update on getting #FabForFeb

Look out for our weekly Perkierfoods competitions throughout January, where you can win some amazing gluten-free breakfast goodies and enter now to win a 3kg bundle of Vietblackrice - packet full of antioxidants.

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