Are We Marvellous for March Yet?

Are We Marvellous for March Yet?

Following my New Year resolution to get Fabulous for February, I am now continuing my quest while looking to be Marvellous for March. But if the two inches of grey hair sprouting from my roots is anything to go by, how can I be feeling marvellous, you may ask?Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Looking in the mirror this month has produced mixed emotions and whilst I am seeing a big band of grey roots, I am also seeing a glimpse of my natural colour, and one I haven't seen completely since I started playing with my hair and dyeing it different colours at the age of sixteen. For those that don't know me that equates to 31 years worth of hair dye.

Am I happy to go grey? No, not really. I intend to have some dark low lights woven through my hair as it grows out to give a darker all over appearance, without interfering with the top section of roots - to avoid looking at any more visible re-growth.

But if you ask me if I am happy at not having to dye my hair every 4 - 6 weeks then the answer is a resounding yes! To no more be messing with chemicals, staining towels and having to remove facial down that has inadvertently come into contact with the offending dye and given me a temporary five o'clock shadow - bliss!

Because I am feeling so much more positive about myself the grey is not as daunting as I thought it would be.Going Grey And I am continuing with my effort to be more 'me' throughout 2014.

Aside from a huge fall around Valentine's weekend, which saw the wagon trailing off into February leaving me far behind, I have managed to maintain my 7lb weight loss for 2014 and, thankfully, I have now caught up with said wagon and planted my bottom firmly on the front seat.

My slip has caused me to wake at night with a very sore throat, caused by acid reflux rising while I sleep. And the gluten that I dipped into and larger portion size that crept back in are definitely taking a big part of the blame. Special celebrations and events are a dangerous time for those sticking to a new regime and we can easily see ourselves slipping off into bad habits again.

But all is not lost and I am now back following my gluten- and dairy-free diet and very excited to discover that Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) cheese is lactose-free. Finally I can have a little bit of grated cheese in my diet that actually tastes great (never really got on with the other rubbery lactose-free cheese).

As for Fabulous for February, despite my dip I am still thinking a lot more clearly, exercising more and feeling fabulous compared to the last few months of 2013. I am also drinking more water and sleeping regular hours.Glass of Water

Gone are the dry days when only coffee (decaffeinated at least) and wine were on the menu - in are a glass of water before every meal and sipped throughout the day. Out are working nights when 3am was shut down time and in are bedtimes before Midnight and earlier starts.

It is essential to weight loss to get enough good hours sleep and as a child I always remember being told an hour before Midnight was worth two after. This month, for me, this has proved to be true. Whether that is because an earlier night means less wine and snacks - or the better quality sleep has left me more rested to start the next day - I cannot say.

What I can say is that I am still taking it all a day at a time and feeling just fine mentally. Physically, aside from a torn ankle tendon, I am feeling a lot healthier, my skin is the best it has been for a long time without the aid of various chemical creams and potions and my hair is growing at an alarming rate - because I really do have the grey to prove it! Another week will see us coming into March and hopefully with it a few more pounds will be gone from the scales, a few more aches and pains will have disappeared and a sunnier outlook will be guiding me throughout each day.

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