Recent Articles - Page 358

A Shopaholic Nightmare

Lock up your wallets and purses, cut up your credit cards and dump the love of your life - shopping. Saturday 26th November 2011 will be the next Buy Nothing Day (UK). Could you go a whole day without buying anything?

Boiled Chestnuts

At this time of year we see a surge in the amount of chestnuts being offered for sale - in the supermarkets and ready roasted from a seller at the side of the road. This recipe offers an alternative to roasted chestnuts by boiling them with cloves.

Scalloped Artichokes

Jerusalem Artichoke (not to be confused with Globe Artichoke) are in season this month and make a tasty addition to any meal. Try this recipe for a tasty alternative to plain boiled vegetables.

Energy Week 24th - 30th October 2011

Tomorrow (24th October) sees the start of this year's Energy Week and we will be bringing you some money saving tips and articles to help you combat the rising fuel costs we all face at this time of year. We will have an daily article to keep you informed and news of the latest ideas and technologies for creating alternative fuel.

Quince Jam

Make it ready for December and all those last minute Christmas Fairs that need a contribution to the raffle table or perfect as presents for friends and neighbours.

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