Tim Minchin Turns the Air Blue and Blows the Crowd Away at GuilFest

Tim Minchin Turns the Air Blue and Blows the Crowd Away at GuilFest

At The Good Time Guide Stage a huge crowd gathered expectantly for the next act, hoping the grey skies and black clouds stayed away.

And a little after 7.30pm Tim Minchin came out and parted the clouds like no other man could (unless he happened to have had bare feet, long hair and a beard) and turned the air blue, while filling the area with some real belly busting laughter!

As ever, this master of musical comedy had the crowd eating out of his hand; even when he broke his microphone with a sharp karate kick to the stand.

Some of the younger members of the audience may have looked on with a tad of confusion as this wild-haired entertainer spilled a river of profanity but the older generation and those still sober enough to hear were absolutely enthralled.Tim Guilfest

For us here at YST Tim was worth the mud covered clothes, the eternal rain and the squash from the crowd; as they pushed ever hard to catch a glimpse of this genius in the flesh.

Also at GuilFest today...

We discovered the fresh sounds of 'According To You' @According2you who played to an appreciative crowd on The Surrey Advertiser Stage.

The Vive Le Rock introduced us to the 'New Town Kings' @newtownkings, a nine piece Ska/Reggae band from Colchester who unfortunately suffered when their lead singer walked out on them last month. Luckily their good friend Greg Blackman @GregBlackmanUK, stepped in and helped them delivery a brilliant performance.

For food we had to search for another gluten and dairy free outlet and were rewarded for our efforts by the Exotic Tagine (www.exotictagine.co.uk). Supper tasty and pipping hot chicken and lamb tagine, with some spicy chickpeas and cooling mixed salad meant we definitely didn't go hungry.

The clean cooked meat was enthused with a variety of spices that leant itself to a mixture of flavours that tickled our taste-buds in delight, rather than burnt them away. These Moroccan dishes are made for tasting and the added herbs and spices enhance the meal rather than over-power the dish.

Olly Murs closed the day on the main stage, recovering well from his slide down the stage steps mid song. Well done Olly!

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