Nourishment from the Inside Out

Nourishment from the Inside Out

Ineke Nugteren's passion for food started at a young age, when she loved being in the kitchen and cooking food with her Mum, having been raised in a family where meals were made from scratch.

As an adult Ineke suffered from bloating and cramps, and after a trip to Uganda, was offered the advice to try a gluten- and dairy-free diet. Cutting the gluten certainly helped but Ineke found herself gaining a rather sweet tooth and although she followed the 'standard' healthy diet of salads, vegetables, low-fat options and minimal meat, she became aware of the fact that she was not nourishing her body in a complete way.

As a registered practise nurse, Ineke was accustomed to giving her patients advice on diet and lifestyle but when she scrutinised her own 'healthy' diet it became very obvious that a lot of healthy foods are sugar-loaded and not such a good energy source.

Next came a period of research and discovery, and the understanding that many people are living from one sugar-high to the next. From this Ineke started to plan her family meals and create some great recipes that not only taste good but will actually nourish her family too.Nourish logo

This lifestyle change has lead to a new business emerging, with Ineke making coconut macaroons, that are now available, along with a few of her other tasty treats, at Inside-Out Health in Reigate - and have also found their way into the new Superfoodio boxes.

We tried some of Ineke's Nourish Macaroons and, armed with a box of Red Velvet's, we put them to the taste test. The first thing we discovered is that you do not have to have either a sweet or savoury tooth to enjoy these macaroons as they seem to fit into both taste pockets. Our savoury food lover found the macaroons were perfect for his not-so-sweet tooth and the use of raw ingredients and beetroot certainly made them a favourite.

Our sweet loving testers were a bit apprehensive at first, especially when we mentioned raw chocolate and beetroot but the combination works well and these macaroons have a natural feel to them when compared to many of the 'low-fat' 'healthy' processed options readily available today. The only complaints came from the testers who was not coconut fans, yet they even remarked that 'at least it isn't overpowering'!

All we can say is that if you are looking for an alternative treats that may actually nourish your body then don't take our word for it - give Nourish a try.

Ineke is now starting to add her recipes to her website at Bookmark the page and watch as this fledgling company takes its first steps into the foodie world.

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