Go Further for Fairtrade in 2013

Go Further for Fairtrade in 2013

Fairtrade Fortnight, which this year runs from 25th February to the 10th March 2013, will call on the British public to "Go Further for Fairtrade in 2013" - to look after the food we love and the people who grow it.

Without our support now, farmers in developing countries face a difficult and uncertain future, the Fairtrade Foundation will warn.

This year thousands of people up and down the country will get creative with their Fairtrade campaigning to highlight the importance of small holder farmers in agriculture and their role in food security.

Fabulous sculptures made from Fairtrade product packaging will form the centrepiece Fairtradeof this year's campaign.

Towns, villages, churches, colleges and schools across the nation will create installations, collages or other works of art as protest petitions to deliver to MPs and commercial organisations to ask for change.

Stimulating debates will be held across the UK about the need to 'Go Further' to protect the future of our products and the livelihoods of the farmers and workers who produce them.

Thousands of people will upload their creative activity to form a visual online petition to deliver a call to government to 'Go Further' to support small farmers to achieve sustainable livelihoods and a better deal from trade. Best entries will win a money can't buy prize.

Companies and governments need to make a stand to ensure small farmers can achieve sustainable livelihoods and play their full role in building fairer, better food systems for the future. Choosing Fairtrade is one way to help secure a better deal for millions of people in developing countries, so we want people to try a new Fairtrade product, create a work of art to ask for change, or pledge their support on our online petition.

Mike Gidney, Interim Executive Director of the Fairtrade Foundation

Smallholders in developing countries are increasingly hit by fluctuating commodity prices affecting their income and the prices they pay for the food they buy themselves, rising global food prices, rising production costs, and climate change.

Fairtrade Fortnight is the nationwide effort to promote awareness of Fairtrade and urge people to buy products carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark. It unites all Fairtrade supporters, bringing together retailers, manufacturers, producers and consumers.

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