The Edible Garden Show Heads Back to Stoneleigh

The Edible Garden Show Heads Back to Stoneleigh

The UK's ultimate grow your own event - The Edible Garden Show - is returning to its roots in 2016 along with its fantastic lifestyle event 'Good Life Live'.

After two successful years at London's Alexandra Palace, organisers are taking the award-winning three-day annual show back to Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire where it was launched in 2011.

"Although we've had two good years in London, which have seen visitor numbers rise by over 20 per cent, a large proportion of our audience remains our loyal following from Stoneleigh. We've received lots of feedback from both visitors and exhibitors that indicate they would like the show to return to Stoneleigh.

We've always known the show has remained popular among our early visitors but this year's post-show research clearly illustrates nearly half of our audience would like to see the show return to the Midlands - we just can't ignore that. Our visitors come from all over the UK with most travelling around 1.5 hours. In order to continue the growth, we have to centrally base the show where it is going to be the most accessible to all and also where we have greater flexibility to extend and enhance the visitor experience.

With the changes we made this year adding Good Life Live, more interactive features as well as entertainment for the whole family, we know we’ve got a winning formula, By taking the show back to Stoneleigh in 2016 we’ll be able to bring back the popular animal marquee featuring livestock as well as offering a great food festival."

Geraldine Reeve, Event Director

Taking place from 11-13 March, and remaining at the start of the growing season, the 2016 show will continue to offer a great fertile mix of advice and must-see exhibits as well as showcasing a broader range of outdoor living experiences.

TV presenter James Wong, who has been a celebrity speaker at The Edible Garden Show since its launch in 2011, will continue to appear at the show when it re-sows its seeds in Stoneleigh’s recently re-branded National Agricultural and Exhibition Centre. For more show information visit:

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