

Free National Diet trial results show motivational coaching is key to weight loss success

The results of Zest4Life’s nutrition and weight loss programme show that combining healthy eating advice with ongoing motivational coaching is a winning combination for dieters.

Over 95% of the 295 participants lost weight in the six week free trial, while 47% lost more than half a stone in the same period.

The benefits were not confined to weight loss as 95% reported higher energy levels; 83% better concentration and memory while 73% felt their hair and skin condition had improved compared to the start of the test.

Initial results also indicate that motivational coaching support has helped participants to stay motivated long term too with 50% of those surveyed maintaining their weight-loss a year or more later and 87.5% still weighing significantly less than they did at the start of the diet.

Many of the dieters had followed other traditional calorie counting weight loss systems previously but they had regained all the weight.

Dr. Susan Jebb, Head of Nutrition and Health Research at the Medical Research Council’s Human Nutrition Research Unit identified ongoing goal-setting and group support as being important for successful weight loss while speaking at the International Conference on Obesity (ICO) this month.

Any similar programme involving regular weight checks, goal-setting and peer support might achieve the same results. Our studies didn’t compare different commercial weight loss programmes but did test the general concept of whether the various schemes available might work better than current standard care. Regardless of which commercial programme people opt for, it’s having a weekly weigh-in and support that seems to work – people are more likely to stick at it.

Dr. Susan Jebb

Her comments were made following a recent randomised controlled trial that showed that weight loss was significantly greater in those trial participants that joined a commercial weight loss programme versus regular visits to a General Practitioner and conventional advice.

The Zest4Life weight loss programme uniquely offers not only a weekly weigh in but full body composition analysis and metabolic testing to show a wider range of measures.

The key ingredient of motivational coaching is an important part of the programme. Most people have a fairly good idea as to what they need to do to lose weight but cannot stay motivated to lose the weight.

By identifying the emotional triggers that underpin unhealthy eating habits and using coaching to create alternative rewards for healthy choices, the motivation of dieters can be transformed.

The solution needs to come from the individual with their coach providing the back drop of expert coaching to enable them to reach these solutions faster.

Zest4Life nutrition & weight loss programmes are run by qualified nutritional therapists who have had a professional training and are properly qualified to give advice not just about diet but also, more critically, about health in general.

There can be many different reasons why a person finds it difficult to lose weight and being guided by an expert is essential.

Zest4life practitioners are also trained motivational coaches who run interactive and fun, weekly group sessions.

Every participant also benefits from the weekly well-being and health topics delivered by the Coach.

The programme was developed by leading nutritionist Patrick Holford, together with psychologists and motivational coaches back in 2005 and is based on the Low GL diet developed by Patrick Holford which controls Glycemic Load (GL, a more accurate version of the Glycemic Index(GI).

Free trials are being run nationally by Zest4Life practitioners on a continuous basis as part of a national study.

The study will compile statistics on and report on the effect of low GL weight loss versus other weight loss methods, plus the levels of compliance that can be achieved by adding a structured motivational coaching process.

To find out more Zest4Life programmes or to apply for a place on a free trial please visit: www.zest4life.eu
enquiries@zest4life.eu .

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