World Kidney Day 2012

World Kidney Day 2012

Our kidneys are amazing!

Their main job is to remove toxins and excess water from our body. Kidneys also help to control our blood pressure, to produce red blood cells and to keep our bones healthy.

They keep us alive, but for different reasons people of all ages may suffer kidney failure.

Please think about those on dialysis who are waiting for a transplant and those who are not able to have one.

Most people reading this will have healthy kidneys; here are some suggestions to keep them that way!

Keep your weight in check - this can help prevent diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with kidney disease.

Keep the Pressure Down - Know your blood pressure. High blood pressure accelerates kidney damage. To protect yourself from kidney disease you should monitor your blood pressure regularly and maintain a diet low in salt and saturated fats.

Keep fit and active - this helps to reduce your blood pressure and therefore reduces the risk of kidney disease. Don’t smoke - cigarette smoking slows blood flow to the kidneys, decreasing their ability to function properly. Stop smoking to slow the progression of kidney disease.

Have your kidney function checked - if anyone in your family has suffered from kidney disease, if you are diabetic, or if you are of Asian or African ancestry, it is particularly important to get your kidney function checked by your GP. In the Western World, 30% - 40% of patients with kidney failure have Type 2 diabetes.

Kidney Disease is common, harmful & can be treatable. Take a moment this World Kidney Day to learn more about your amazing kidneys.

Remember to treat your kidneys right and they should look after you!

Please think about how you can give the gift of a lifetime and what a difference organ donation makes.

World Kidney Day is celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide on the second Thursday in March every year. It raises awareness of the importance of healthy kidneys and the positive effects of transplantation.

Kidneys for Life
Organ donation saves lives - people who have had kidney transplants can go on to live normal lives and their new kidneys can work just like yours.

Please find out about it and join the Organ Donation Register at

Your gift is invaluable - it gives life.

For more information, to get involved visit

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