'Swedish Christmas' Advent App

'Swedish Christmas' Advent App

With the countdown to the festive season just days away, London-based Swedish ex-pat Mia Karlsson has devised a truly charming and innovative new Advent Calendar app for smart phones - 'Swedish Christmas'.

After living in the UK for five years, Mia, who is a professional soprano singer when she's not pioneering new phone apps, realized how much she missed Sweden during the big holidays and how difficult it can be to hold on to the much-loved traditions.

I think the app will be popular with ex-pats who would like to stay close to their Swedish roots and I also think anyone who is curious about Sweden and its traditions will enjoy the daily videos on their smart phones

The app was originally released last year (2011) and those who purchased it then will receive a free update of the 2012 version.

From 1st December until Christmas Eve, a new window on the Swedish Christmas advent calendar becomes available daily, taking you one step closer to Father Christmas (Jultomten as he is called in Swedish).

Features include traditional Swedish Christmas songs and videos displaying festive traditions such as candle-making, dancing games and baking saffron buns.

There are also excellent recipes for traditional Swedish Christmas food and one featuring a Lucia procession which was recorded in Lund's Cathedral in Sweden.

The Christmas songs are performed by various artists, including some of Sweden's finest singers and musicians, including creator Mia Karlsson, a professional singer with credits such as Christine in Phantom of the Opera, Belle in Beauty and the Beast and och Cosette in Les Misérables.

Mia's own personal favourite episode is one featuring children baking Lussekatter, the delicious Swedish saffron buns.

You can take a look at a short video preview of the app on YouTube.

You can download your copy of Advent Calendar Swedish Christmas today.

Price: £1.49 at App Store
Price: £1.70 Android Market

In addition to the app, the Advent Calendar Swedish Christmas is available on DVD.

Mia has also recorded an album of Swedish Christmas songs entitled My Swedish Christmas where she is accompanied by musicians from Malmö Symphony Orchestra, Malmö Opera, and Mats Edén on violin.

The songs includes Swedish Christmas classics such as Stilla natt, Ett barn är fött and Marias vaggsång.

Order the CD and the DVD online.

Also available at the TotallySwedish stores in London.

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