Remember, Remember, Your Pets this November

Remember, Remember, Your Pets this November

As a pet owner you are probably dreading the darker nights, the colder days, the muddy walks, wet dogs, bedraggled cats and more, especially as we enter the festive season - complete with fireworks and bonfires.

For a stress-free season try a few tips to make sure your pet gets through the next few months in a safe environment.

There are many plug-in pheromone supports available now and Adaptil has led the way with their diffusers and tablets, while offering some simple tips to help calm your dog.

  1. Provide a den or hiding place for your pet
  2. Use an ADAPTIL® hiding place as possible, or where your pet spends most of its time
  3. Keep dogs inside during fireworks and check that their microchip is up to date
  4. Ensure windows, doors remain closed during firework season to both prevent pets escaping and reduce the noise
  5. Provide distractions, in the form of new toys and chews. Draw curtains and put the TV on to mask any noise
  6. DO NOT punish your pet! This will only make your pet more distressed
  7. Try not to leave your pets alone when fireworks are going off
  8. Continue to use ADAPTIL® until the party or fireworks season ends

It is not only dogs that need comfort from loud noises and lights. Cats can be easily upset and disturbed by sudden noises, and should be allowed a quiet space to hide.

If they are hiding somewhere in the house it is best to leave them alone and not try to move them, as this is more likely to add to their stress. As much as you want to offer comfort and help they are more likely best left alone.

If you have small pets in cages it could be best to move them away from windows and into a darker corner, or room.

Outside caged pets will need a cover over their homes, and some deeper bedding so that they can burrow away from any noise and lights that may disturb them.

For many cats and dogs, this time of year can be a trial for more than just November 5th, with fireworks being used throughout the winter months and into the New Year. If you want more advise, or need expert help with your pets then your vet will be able to offer you extensive help on what can be done to make your pet feel more comfortable and safe during periods of unrest.

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