Positive Petcare Powered by Goldshield

Positive Petcare Powered by Goldshield

Goldshield® is the core technology behind Positive Petcare - the world's first modern, next generation, patented, water stabilised, non-toxic, non-leaching, long lasting prophylactic shield against bacterial contamination.

Most traditional deodorisers and anti-bacterial products deactivate shortly after application, posing a risk of skin, fur and textiles quickly becoming re-contaminated. Positive Petcare from GoldshieldUsing Goldshield's unique breakthrough technology will persistently protect any physical surface or textile from microbial contamination, to help mitigate the spread of infectious diseases.

Goldshield® is a system of products which flow from a core antimicrobial formula that is the only water based sanitiser in the world offering this level of long lasting protection in such a multitude of applications.

"The technology forms a covalent bond, which remains affixed to any surface or textile material through a saline carrier. The substrate is then positively charged by a nitrogen molecule which pulls in negatively charged microbes. Through a long carbon chain this unique molecular assembly penetrates the cytoplasm tic membrane, physically stabbing the membrane, pulling ions out and denaturing proteins."

In plainer speak - "This renders the microbe dead on contact and does not pose the risk of genetic adaptation or the formation of a super-bug".

From a pet owners point of view, we were looking for something that does the job without causing any further problems, irritation or damage to our pets and leaving a chemical after-smell.

When it comes to protecting your pets, only the best will do so we asked Champion Briard breeder Sue Smith to put Positive Petcare to the test.

Sue has been using the Spray & Go Fur Protector whilst grooming her show dog Tuatara Lilianne (Lily) and enjoys the clean result and the fresh smell left afterwards. Positive Petcare from GoldshieldAs Lily has recently had her first season, Sue also noted that the Shampoo and Fur Protector proved very effective to freshen up and clean her dog. Fortunately for Lily, Sue has not had cause to need the Skin Healer & Protector, as yet.

We asked another pet owner to test the Skin Healer & Protector on her dog, Coco, who was displaying discomfort around her bottom.

After a vet had confirmed no allergy or anal gland problem was present, the Skin Healer & Protector was used to seal and soothe the area. Simply applied and left to dry, Coco showed signs of being more comfortable within a few applications and the sore area disappeared in days.

Coco also suffered from un-diagnosed itching, all over and, after the elimination of many common causes, the Wipe & Go Fur Protector managed to soothe her body and offer some level of relief. They are also an incredibly handy wipe version of the spray.

With its sweet grape scent the Positive Petcare range we tested seems to be an effective collection for pet owners.

Find more details at www.positivepetcare.co.uk

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  • Email: info@kokovamagazine.com
