Home Alone with House Dust Mites

Home Alone with House Dust Mites

As the winter months draw in millions of people start snivelling and sneezing. All too often it is assumed it's the start of a cold but in fact it could be 'home fever' (perennial allergic rhinitis).

Indoor Allergy Week runs from 12th - 18th November 2012 and is designed to raise awareness of the symptoms of allergic reactions to house dust mites, mould and pets.

The charity will be providing help and support throughout the week for the millions of sufferers in the UK.

According to national charity Allergy UK, millions of house dust mites are lurking throughout our homes. Mattresses, curtains, carpets, in fact any type of upholstery, is a breeding ground for these microscopic creatures.

House dust mites often lie undetected but cause all manner of problems, affecting the nations' health and preventing some people from getting a good night's sleep.

Allergy UK research has revealed that 58% of allergy sufferers react to house dust mites, meaning that around 12 million Brits could be allergic to their own home.

Closing doors and windows and turning the heating up, creates the perfect conditions for house dust mites to multiply.

The bedroom is THE biggest house dust mite hangout with around two million house dust mites residing just in your mattress when you're tucked up at night.

59% of indoor allergy sufferers said their symptoms are worse in the bedroom BUT there are allergens in every room in the house be it the living room, kitchen or even bathroom.

Allergy UK is issuing an Indoor Allergy SOS this winter. The charity wants to help the nation manage the symptoms associated with house dust mite, mould and pet allergies, in a series of simple and easy steps.

Follow Allergy UK's advice to help rid your humble abode of allergens this winter and explore their virtual house at Allergy UK for ways to help.

Allergy UK is the leading national medical charity providing advice, information and support to people with allergies and food intolerance. Allergy UK acts as the 'voice' of allergy sufferers, representing the views and needs of those affected by this multi organ disease.

Allergy UK makes a difference through a dedicated helpline and network for sufferers. The charity provides invaluable information and guidance to empower sufferers so that they can manage their symptoms and receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

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