Energy Saving Week 2011

Energy Saving Week 2011

Save the date 24th - 28th October, as it's the fifteenth Energy Saving Week and this year the Energy Saving Trust is looking at how you can "Take back control of your energy bills".

Energy Saving Week is a unique annual event led by the Energy Saving Trust and this year's theme draws on how consumers can take back control of their spiralling energy bills at home.

As everyone knows, our gas and electricity bills have been rising on a yearly basis. The current economic slowdown has been fundamental in the way that consumers are thinking about energy saving.

Energy Saving Week provides the perfect opportunity for households across the county to learn about how they can make a difference.

Theme: Take back control of your energy bills

The Energy Saving Trust can help you take back control of your energy bills. By calling their free phone number on 0800 512 012 you can speak to an advisor in your region who can provide you with independent advice on everything from energy saving measure to government grants you may be eligible for.

You'd be surprised about what more you can do in your home to help you save money!

Go to for everything from basic tips to in-depth advice.You can save money, you can keep your bills down and you can help lower your energy consumption by taking control.

Get the help you need with energy efficiency tips...

Here are 10 ways to get you started:

1) Eliminate draughts and wasted heat by installing a cheap, easy-to-fix brush or PVC seal on your exterior doors. Letterboxes and keyholes should be covered too.

2) Draughts also get in through gaps in floorboards and skirting boards, which also allow heat to escape in winter. Stop this waste by filling these gaps with newspaper, beading or sealant.

3) Switch to energy saving light bulbs. They last around 10 times longer than ordinary light bulbs, and each bulb you fit could save around £45 over its lifetime - or up to £70 if you are replacing a bright incandescent bulb, or one used for more than a few hours a day. They come in a whole range of styles.

4) Insulate your hot water tank with a jacket – they only cost a few pounds and, with all the heat they trap in, pay for themselves within months. Fit one that's at least 75mm (3") thick and you could save around £35 a year.Tips Energy

5) Insulating your loft is one of the simplest ways to save energy – you can even install it yourself. Insulate an empty loft today, and in a year you could save around £145 or £40 if you're topping up.

6) Uninsulated walls are a big source of heat loss in the home. You could save around £110 on energy bills each year by insulating your wall cavities. It also creates an even temperature in your home.

7) If your boiler is over 15 years old it's probably time to replace it. By law, new gas boilers in England and Wales must now be of the high efficiency condensing type, which can help you save up to a quarter on your heating bills.

8) When purchasing new appliances, always look for the Energy Saving Trust Recommended logo. Energy Saving Trust Recommended appliances are the most efficient in their category and could save you up to £38 a year.

9) Energy Saving Trust Recommended double glazing cuts heat loss through windows by 50% and could cut your heating bill by around £130 a year.

10) Still not sure which are your home's weak spots? Why not complete the Energy saving Trust's online home energy check or call your local Energy Saving Trust advice centre on 0800 512 012 for free, impartial advice on saving energy in your home.

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For more information on home energy generation technologies, contact your local Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre free on 0800 512 012, or visit

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