Tobia Teff Adds To Its Range

Tobia Teff Adds To Its Range

Teff, a gluten-free grain packed full of nutrients including iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins B and C, whilst low in calories, is a staple of the Ethiopian and Eritrean diet, and is available to the UK market in an increasing range of products from Tobia-Teff.

Whilst originally just teff flour (brown or white) was available, the range now also includes organic flour, cereals and the latest addition, home-made teff breads.

Whilst ideal for those looking to cut out or reduce their gluten intake, whether out of necessity (intolerance) or choice (many top tennis players have recently adopted a gluten-free diet), due to its high nutrient content, teff is also recommended for those participating in a lot of sport and pregnant women, amongst others - many of Ethiopia's famed long-distance runners attribute their energy and health to teff.

I'm a big advocate of trying it in more traditional Western dishes - so everyone can enjoy the associated health improvements. Hopefully our range offers something for all tastes and requirements. The teff cereals can be enjoyed on their own, or mixed into a regular muesli for a nutritious start to the day, for example; and our breads run from plain to onion seed, sunflower seed or raisin bread, so there are options for toast and sandwiches as well as Afternoon Tea.

Sophie Sirak Kebede, Tobia-Teff managing director

The Tobia-Teff website also provides recipes, so breads can be made at home with the teff flour - as well as treats such as gingerbread men or muffins. These teff products are available through the Tobia Teff website itself, with mail-order available throughout the UK (postage charges apply, overnight delivery is also available).

It is also available through health food suppliers including Goodness Foods, and health food shops such as Mother Earth (three outlets in North London).

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Teff Facts

What is teff?
Teff is the smallest grain in the world (the name relates back to the Amharic word 'teffa' which means 'lost' - if you drop it on the ground you won't find it) and supplies more fibre-rich bran and nutritious germ than any other grain. It also packs a high mineral content that boasts 17 times the calcium of whole-wheat or barley, and is also high in protein and complex carbohydrates. It can be used as a grain or ground to a flour.

Is it new?
Teff is one of the ancient grains of the world, and is now finding a resurgence in the modern diet. It originated in Ethiopia as a foraged wild grass and was eventually cultivated by the highland Ethiopians. Seeds of teff have been found in a brick of the Dassur Egyptian pyramid built in 359 BC.

Types of Teff
Teff is available as brown and white. Both are whole-grain, because the kernel is simply too small to mill easily. White teff grows only in the Highlands of Ethiopia, requires the most rigorous growing conditions, and is the most expensive form of teff. The prestige associated with consuming white teff, as well as its more stringent growing conditions, contributes to the increased cost of white teff. Brown teff has moderate iron content. This is very dark when baked, so tends to be mixed with some white teff to regulate the colour.

What are its uses?
Teff flour can be cooked as porridge, added to baked goods such as bread and cakes as a wheat flour substitute, or even made into 'teff polenta'. Due to its high iron content, it is particularly recommended those participating in a lot of sport, and pregnant women. It is also gluten free, so ideal for those with coeliac disease or suffering from gluten intolerance. It’s also low in calories.

How do I cook with teff?
Teff can be substituted for regular flour in many recipes - suggestions for making pancakes, muffins, cakes, gingerbread, pasta, breads, injera and other baked goods are available on the Tobia-Teff website.

Where can I get hold of teff?
Through Tobia-Teff ( Teff flour is priced at £4.45 for 1kg, there's also a range of cereals and home-made breads. Tobia Teff sources its teff from Europe (the Ethiopian Government has banned teff exports.)

How can coeliac's get hold of teff on the NHS?
Teff has been available for those suffering from coeliac disease on the NHS from June 2009, and PIP codes are available by contacting .

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