Win a Signed Copy of The Ecobears Book

Win a Signed Copy of The Ecobears Book

Competition now closed.

Congratulations to our winners: -
Adrian Price - Wigan
Ed Davis - Portsmouth
Elaine Taylor - Hampshire

The Ecobears is an exciting and action packed children's book with a message of caring for the environment and the protection of the Earth's resources.

In a far off galaxy there is a lush and vibrant planet known as Vynen. The rich, forest covered planet is home to thousands of exotic species of plants and animals - from the Giant Hairy Momomouth to the Miniature Flip Beetle - each of them cared for by the Ecobears.Theecobearscover

The Ecobears are highly intelligent creatures who watch over plants and animals on planets all across the universe, protecting them from harm.

They travel vast distances across space - to strange worlds with unimaginable forms of life - with their only aim being the protection of endangered species (whatever they may be).

When the evil bears known as Krakkov and Dilus (The Bear Reaper) are located on a distant planet, the brave Ecobears must quickly jump into action.

These villains are known well on the planet Vynen and wherever they go trouble quickly follows.

Can the Ecobears protect the planet from certain destruction?

Join the Ecobears in their first action packed book to find out.

Reading age: 9+


We have THREE SIGNED copies of the Ecobears book to give away...

Open to UK residents only. The winners will be notified by email.

Please read our terms and conditions.

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