Win a Hamper of OLOVES - Olives to Love

Win a Hamper of OLOVES - Olives to Love

Competition now closed.

Congratulations to our winner Karis Boone (Croydon).

This month we have a hamper* of OLOVES to give away to one lucky reader.

Sussex-based OLOVES are reaching out around the world with their handy, healthy snack packs of fresh olives. OLOVES bring you the tastiest natural olives, freshly packed, in a range of delicious flavours. High in loveliness & low in calories.

These handy snack packs taste delicious and make a great alternative to some of the high calorie, processed snacks available. The company are firmly grounded in the UK, and reaching out to over 14 countries with their tried and tested formula for simple snacking in a healthy way.

"We're like you. we're not a global company (OK we sell to 14 countries, yes, but we don't have swanky cars or fur toilets). We're small. we have families. We live by the sea on the south coast. we've travelled, we lived in Spain and we found these lovely little olives. We popped some in bags, sold them on the beach, and then brought the idea back home and now we're here, selling them and sharing them with everyone."


Choose from four fabulous flavours including Chili & Garlic - Lemon & Rosemary - Basil & Garlic - Chili & Oregano. More details can be found at

Competition open to UK residents only. The winner will be notified by email. Please read the full terms and conditions, in particular the competition terms section. *Picture is a representation of the prize and not actual prize. *Basket not included.

For your chance to win simply submit your details in the form below.

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