Thrills All the Way with Zip World Penrhyn and the Tree Top Adventure in Snowdonia

Thrills All the Way with Zip World Penrhyn and the Tree Top Adventure in Snowdonia

On a recent trip to discover what Wales had to offer travellers in terms of thrills and adventure we were invited to try the great heights and adventure of Zip World Penrhynn and the Tree Top Adventures situated on the outskirts of Betws-y-Coed, Snowdonia.

Zip World Penrhynn

If you're looking for the next big thing in thrill seeking, then look no future that Zip World, Penrhyn. Set in the vast Penrhyn Quarry, these two zip wires are a definite must for anyone in the area looking to experience a new adventure with some spectacular views.

We visited Zip World and were not disappointed. The first thing we noticed was the stringent care and safety that went into fitting participants for the thrill ride. Zip World PenrhynnIn groups, we were all securely fitted into our harnesses before we made our way up to the Little Zipper, the smaller of the two wires we were set to ride.

We were strapped into place, laying on our fronts, and released to travel the distance of the Little Zipper. Reaching up to 40mph, the Little Zipper is the perfect introduction to Zip World. At 450m long, the wire is relatively low, in comparison to the heights we knew we were going up to.

As we travelled up to the Big Zipper, our driver shared with us some history of the quarry and the surrounding area. Penrhyn Quarry is nestled amongst the mountains of north Wales and the Zip Lines are located in a part of the quarry that has been decommissioned for ten years and already flora and fauna are reappearing.

The rides provide a bird's-eye view of 200 years of history, the working quarry and the spectacular north Wales coast including Anglesey and, on a clear day, even the Isle of Man. It was where the first zip lines were built more than 100 years ago, to extract rock, and today it is where you will find the longest and fastest zip lines in Europe.

The starting point of the Big Zipper was rather high in the quarry and the winds were very strong. Thoughtfully, a cabin with a log fire had been installed to keep us all warm. The staff at the top of the Big Zipper were very thorough and were in constant contact with the staff at the bottom, making sure each participant was fitted with the correct equipment to control their descent. Zip World PenrhynnOnce strapped in, we were ready to start 'flying'.

The views on the Big Zipper are incredible. At 1600m long and 150m high, the Big Zipper was definitely worth waiting for. As there was nothing close enough around us to relate to, we had no idea how fast we were travelling, though the average speeds can be anything up to 100mph. Thrill seekers and zip wire enthusiasts should definitely put Zip World Penrhynn on their itinerary the next time they are travelling in the UK.

Throughout our experience we felt we were in very safe hands and could really relax and enjoy our rides, safe in the knowledge that although we were flying high above the Penrhyn Quarry, the Zip World team had taken every precaution to ensure our rides were thrilling, fun and safe for everyone.

Zip World Penrhynn is a guided adventure and you should allow approximately 2 hours for the full experience, which is largely outdoors. For more information and to book your own experience visit

Tree Top Adventure - Conwy Valley

The Tree Top Adventure is a definite must for a family day out. The adventure course suits a wide range of people (unless you're afraid of heights!). Set in the Conwy Valley, there is no shortage of beautiful woodland scenery, some of which you end up climbing. Tree Top Adventure SnowdoniaThe staff help you to get correctly into your harnesses and together you walk to the trial area of the course.

Once attached to the safety line and given a quick briefing, you set off around the trial area; getting a feel for the way the course works without having so far to fall. If you make it successfully back to the starting platform, you can now begin the main course.

The various obstacles are well laid out; there were definitely some challenging areas but they are offset with some more easier ones. The whole course is exactly what you'd expect it to be - an obstacle course in the tree tops. Of the 30+ obstacles, the balance beams and swinging boards were among the hardest for me but at least I could save face when it came to the rope swing, which was a simple as it sounds.

Once the tree top fun is over there and you are safely back on the ground, there are two other adventures waiting to be tried.

First was the Skyride. This giant, five person swing carries you out 120ft above the Conwy Valley. Strapped in place by a member of staff, you're hoisted back, ready for the off. Once you are set and the staff have given the go ahead, one brave fellow pulls the cord and launches the swing - and everyone with it! This is a real thrill ride - an immediate rush - as soon as the swing is released you will have left your stomach behind and hopefully be enjoying the stunning views.

And to finish - the Powefan Plummet. At over 100ft high, this is the world's highest powerfan parachute simulator. Scary as this may seem, the cord which is attached to your harness controls your descent and allows for a very gentle landing.

Not to be confused in any way with a bungee jump, this controlled fall allows you to take in the views as you descend, without any jerky movements. The hardest part was not the stepping off the ledge for this thrill seeking jump - it was the 100ft climb! Half way up, I realised how hard it is to climb.

For families who want something a little lower, don't worry about forgetting the little ones - there is a Junior Trail too. To book your own Tree Top Adventure visit

See our adventure in pictures on our Flickr page now

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