Three Day Ron Montero Festival Launches on Tropical Coast of Granada

Three Day Ron Montero Festival Launches on Tropical Coast of Granada

Launched by Ron Montero, Europe's last remaining rum distillery and taking place in the Andalusian city of Motril, Ron Montero Festival is the ultimate experience for rum lovers.

Ron Montero has carefully curated a series of interactive Food and Cocktail Trails for festival-goers to explore the local cuisine. Ron Montero FestivalCelebrating every aspect of the spirit, the Ron Montero festival will provide revellers with performances by The Monderos who tell tales of the rum harvests, live music around the city, an exhibition of giant 50th anniversary Ron Montero bottles, painting contests and cinema screenings as well as rum-inspired poetry and literature.

The sub-tropical climate has for centuries provided the perfect conditions for growing sugar cane and the festival will offer guests a voyage of discovery as Motril opens the doors to its rich rum lineage.

Aficionados will see the rum-making process first hand and even taste the sugar cane as they are taken on guided tours that roam through the Pre-Industrial Sugar Cane Museum, La Zafra sugar cane farm, Motril History Museum, the Interpretation Centre of Sugar Cane and of course the famous Ron Montero Distillery.

The Ron Montero Festival was launched by Ron Montero, a legendary authority on premium rum who last year celebrated their 50th anniversary and entered the UK market through Amathus Drinks. The distillery was founded in 1963 by Francisco Montero and as the only European rum distillery open to the public, Ron Montero is dedicated to educating and celebrating the rich rum heritage of the Tropical Coast of Granada and supporting tourism in the region.

Tickets start at €10 and are available at

The menus from the Food and Cocktail Trail are €25 and the Tapas are €9. A variety of accommodation is available throughout the city for various budgets. A standard room at the Hotel Salobreña for example is €48 per night.

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