Strawberry, Meringue and Yoghurt Ice Cream

Strawberry, Meringue and Yoghurt Ice Cream

Ever fancied your hand at making your own ice-cream? Or would you like to find a gluten- and dairy-free alternative to make your own?

Freddy Bird is the executive chef at the Lido restaurant & bar and Spyglass in Bristol and both venues are known for Freddy's home-made ice creams.

With this recipe you can create your own Freddy Bird dish.

(Makes just over a litre)

You will need a Kenwood mixer - or similar product for this recipe.


  • 110g Egg whites
  • 200g Caster Sugar
  • 750ml Yoghurt (or dairy/gluten free alternative)
  • Broken meringue pieces
  • 2 punnets of very ripe strawberries


  • Mix the egg whites and sugar in a heat-proof glass bowl, over simmering water.
  • Stir constantly until it reaches 80 degrees and all the sugar is dissolved.
  • Whisk for 10 -15 mins until thick and cool.
  • Stir in yoghurt (or crème fraiche / dairy-free alternative) and churn.
  • Meanwhile hull the strawberries and macerate in lemon juice and sugar (you could also add a splash of rosewater if you wanted).
  • Towards the end of churning add the strawberries and then the meringue pieces. (I think you get the best results when the strawberries are totally mashed up by the ice cream machine (big bits of strawberry just become ice blocks) and you're left with little chewy bits of meringue).
  • Freeze for at least 4 hours before eating.

Courtesy of Freddy Bird

The Lido Restaurant & Bar

Spyglass in Bristol

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