Getting into the Festive Spirit with Bad Angel Pink Lychee Liqueur

Getting into the Festive Spirit with Bad Angel Pink Lychee Liqueur

Bad Angel Long AngelRelease the Bad Angel inside you this Christmas with this light and exotic 24% ABV pink lychee liqueur, with a subtle kiss of rose petal - and the seductive suggestion of Petite Champagne Cognac.

Long Angel

Take a large measure of Bad Angel pink lychee liqueur, over ice in a long glass and finish with cranberry juice.

Bad Geisha

Bad Angel pink lychee liqueur mixed with vodka, fresh lime juice and a dash of bitters. Shake in an ice filled cocktail shaker and serve over ice, topped with ginger beer.

Good Bad and Ugly

Bad Angel pink lychee liqueur with gin, ginger beer and lime juice.
Bad Angel Bad Geisha

Angel Mojito

Bad Angel pink lychee liqueur with fresh mint, sugar and lime juice. Top and serve with crushed ice.

Angelic Martini

Triple Sec orange liqueur and Bad Angel pink lychee liqueur with orange juice.

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