World Carfree Day 2011

World Carfree Day 2011

Every September 22nd people from around the world get together in the streets and neighbourhood blocks to remind the world that we don't have to accept our car-dominated society.

We hope to see you on the streets!

We do not want just one day of celebration and then a return to "normal" life. When people get out of their cars, they should stay out of their cars.

It is up to us, it is up to our cities and our governments to help create permanent change to benefit pedestrians, cyclists, and other people who do not drive cars.

Let World Carfree Day be a showcase for just how our cities might look like, feel like, and sound like without cars…365 days a year.

As the climate heats up, World Carfree Day is the perfect time to take the heat off the planet, and put it on city planners and politicians to give priority to cycling, walking and public transport, instead of to the automobile.

So take the time and join in on the celebrations!

World Carfree Day Has Gone Wiki!

Our promotion of World Carfree Day events on September 22 online has taken a natural step in evolution: wiki.

The WCN (World Carfree Network) staff in Prague cannot possibly update online all the countless festivities taking place from Colombia to China, so don't hesitate to help us make this a comprehensive site!

It's really simple to input events - simply visit the Wikipage.

The idea behind the wiki page is to provide a list of activities surrounding World Carfree Day, listed in a geographic order. This simple, yet useful wiki page is to be seen as an addition to what we have on offer on this page - action ideas, media advice and more.

In case you are not that familiar with wikis - don't worry, they are incredibly simple. You will only need 5 or 10 minutes to register your event and then the whole world can know!

WCN have created a simple formula you can use and you only need to put the most essential details, any links to further information or contacting methods and presto!

The role of WCN

WCN promotes carfree day activities, but does not organise World Carfree Day itself.

They provide information and guidance and are dependent on our members submitting details of local events to their wiki, followed up by evaluation reports after the event each year.

Please also be aware that WCD is a decentralised event - no single spokesperson has a global overview of all activities.

Becoming active and organising a carfree day

Check out the resources and find inspiration - find potential allies in your neighbourhood/town.

A general tip is to get the local authority and shop owners on your side as early as possible, generally nine months before the event, if you intend to close streets to private cars for the day.

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
