World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis Day was established in 1996 by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARi) and is celebrated each year on 12 October.

It provides an opportunity for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) from around the world to join together to make their voices heard.

Although 12 October is the official World Arthritis Day, this is a year round campaign offering an ideal focus for organisations to raise awareness of issues affecting people with RMDs and to campaign for improvements.

The aims of World Arthritis Day is to: -

  • Raise awareness of RMDs amongst the medical community, people with RMDs and the general public.
  • Influence public policy by making decision-makers aware of the burden of RMDs and the steps which can be taken to ease it.
  • Ensure all people with RMDs and their caregivers are aware of the vast support network available to them.

The World Arthritis Day website was set up in 2003 as a centre for campaign activities, as well as housing information and resources for national organisations representing people with RMDs and individuals.

The WAD website is supported and managed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) - the organisation which represents people with RMDs, healthcare professionals and scientific societies of rheumatology from all European countries.

Every one or two years EULAR selects a new theme for World Arthritis Day. The themes represent a challenge or issue affecting people with RMDs. EULAR develops resources to help organisations and individuals with their national campaigns.

The theme for 2011/12 is "Move to Improve".

Being physically active is vitally important to helping keep people with RMDs mobile.

Projects are featured on the website in 2011 and include: 'Activity of the Month'.

This features physical activities that can help people with RMDs to move to improve.

Featured activities include useful information, inspiring individuals and tips to help people with RMDs get started.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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