World Animal Day - 4th October This year and Every Year

World Animal Day - 4th October This year and Every Year

The World Animal Day initiative was launched in 2003 and is quickly growing to become an international success story for the animals.

World Animal Day presents such a wonderful opportunity for everyone who cares about animals to be seen standing united with animal advocates around the world in order to heighten public awareness of animal issues - an opportunity far too good to miss!

Increased awareness of animal issues will lead the way to improved standards of welfare throughout the globe - and what an achievement that will be!

What will YOU be doing this year to show you care?

You don't have to work with animals to get involved. The website has ideas suitable for everyone, regardless of circumstances, finances, facilities, resources or time. It doesn't matter how large or small your activity is - it's getting involved that's important.

If you care about animals, don't miss this wonderful opportunity to help make animal welfare issues front page news around the globe - a vital catalyst for change.

World Animal Day website full of event ideas and helpful advice.

Get publicity - Register your event in the Online International Directory of Events - email information about your event, including time, location and contact details.

Important - for inclusion on the website, events must take place within 2 weeks either side of 4th October, and be advertised as World Animal Day events.

World Animal Day has three wonderful celebrity Ambassadors, Anneka Svenska, Maria Daines and Louis Barnett, who go that extra mile to help raise awareness and increase participation in this special day.

There are also 75 World Animal Day Ambassadors in 64 countries who all create opportunities in the course of their daily work to develop the World Animal Day initiative in their own countries.

As well as getting involved yourself, please help raise awareness of World Animal Day by spreading the message far and wide via all means available to you.

Animal Day LogoYou can email everyone in your address book, add information to social networking sites/blogs/newsletters, create weblinks, and not forgetting good, old-fashioned word of mouth!

For more information visit:

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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