Wallace & Gromit's Wrong Trousers Day 2012

Wallace & Gromit's Wrong Trousers Day 2012

Wrong Trousers Day is a huge, annual fundraising event organised by the national charity Wallace & Gromit's Children's Foundation - backed by the treble Academy Award-winning characters Wallace and Gromit, created by Nick Park at Aardman.

Inspired by their film, this year's Wrong Trousers Day takes place on Friday 29th June 2012.

Created in 2003, Wallace & Gromit's Children's Foundation raises funds on Wrong Trousers Day to improve the quality of life for Wrong Trousers Posterchildren in hospitals and hospices across the UK.

Since 2003 Wrong Trousers Day has raised over £1.1 million

In 2012, 77 hospitals and hospices in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales will benefit from funds raised and to take part people are invited to pay £1 and step out in their weirdest, wackiest legwear - or just something plain 'wrong'!

A range of Wallace & Gromit merchandise is available to purchase in aid of the Children's Foundation, including £1 pin badges, T-shirts and mugs.

In the past, people have taken part in all kinds of fundraising events for Wrong Trousers Day, from head shaving to sky diving.

Every year, 2.4 million children are admitted to hospital - that’s roughly 20% of all children under 16 in the UK. 20,000 children in the UK suffering from a life limiting illness will not make it to their eighteenth birthday and 1 in 3 families in the UK have a child who has been admitted to hospital.

For more information, call 0207 8418 987 or visit www.wrongtrousersday.org

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