Vegan Cupcakes Take Over Parliament

Vegan Cupcakes Take Over Parliament

Can 'a little of what you fancy' help to tackle global health crises?

MP Kerry McCarthy is inviting fellow MPs to chew on the plant-based solutions to obesity and hunger on World Vegan Day.

MPs will also enjoy delicious vegan cupcakes from award-winning baker, Ms Cupcake on Tuesday 1 November.

I am delighted to be hosting this parliamentary event for World Vegan Day. I've been vegan for 20 years, and last year I was joined in parliament by two more vegan MPs; we've been told we’re the largest vegan caucus in the world! This event provides a great opportunity to raise with other MPs and parliamentary staff issues such as the impact of the livestock industry on global food security and the environment, and the benefits of a vegan diet. And maybe we'll be able to persuade a few more to try turning vegan too.

Kerry McCarthy MP

Kerry McCarthy MP has requested an adjournment debate on World Vegan Day debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday 1st November. If successful, the debate will focus on the role of plant-based diets and stock-free agriculture in tackling hunger, obesity and global climate change.

We are very pleased to be able to introduce delicious, locally made vegan cupcakes to MPs. As a 'first' for Parliament, there will also be tasty vegan dishes offered in each of the four Westminster restaurants every day during the week of World Vegan Day. Appealing, nutritious vegan food offers a powerful route to tackling current global crises. Plant-based diets and stock-free agriculture can help solve the deeply inter-connected problems of global climate change and global hunger, as well as obesity in the UK.

Jasmijn de Boo, Vegan Society CEO

World Vegan Day on the 1st November - signals the start of World Vegan Month every year. This commemorates the coining of the term, 'vegan' and the founding of The Vegan Society in November 1944.

Vegans avoid anything taken from any animal, aiming to end the use and abuse of other animals. So vegan-ism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose.

Vegans enjoy all kinds of foods, such as curries, pizza, casseroles, burritos, chocolate cake, lasagne, soups, risottos, spicy bean chilli, stir fries, falafel, cupcakes, samosas, bhajis, pies, sausage and mash, stews, paella, dhal, toad in the hole, pasta and pesto, quiche, pancakes, tagines, tortilla wraps, chocolate chip cookies, jacket potatoes, cannelloni, pad thai, noodle soup, stuffed pasta shells, spicy potato wedges, fruit crumble and custard, gnocchi, tagliatelle, salads, shortbread, spring rolls, panini, spaghetti bolognese, sushi, mezze.

All of these dishes and many more can be suitable for vegans, made using entirely plant-based ingredients and no ingredients derived from animals.

Vegans choose not to eat anything which is taken from animals, for example:

  • No meat, fish nor other substances that come directly from killing an animal, such as animal fats and gelatine
  • No dairy products such as cows milk, cheese and yogurt; nor goats milk
  • No eggs nor foods containing eggs such as Quorn
  • No honey

The Vegan Society is the first point of contact for new vegans and those seeking information, including caterers, print and broadcast media, health professionals, teachers and government.

I'm excited to see more and more people embracing vegan food and lifestyles! Our first 'Ms. Cupcake' shop - London's first entirely vegan bakery - is going from strength to strength. The Baking Industry Awards recognised us as their 'Rising Star of the Year' and we've been chosen as a 2012 Olympic Games supplier. It's so encouraging that the British public are adopting compassionate behaviours which do less damage to the world. Ms. Cupcake is honoured to be a part of World Vegan Day at Parliament this year.

Mellissa Morgan, Ms Cupcake

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