Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colour

Trooping The Colour celebrates the Sovereign's official birthday - even though the actual date is on the 21st April.

It has traditionally been held in June to try and enjoy better weather but unfortunately with the recent reports forecasting gale force winds we can only hope for a small reprieve on the 16th June 2012, when this year's Trooping The Colour is due to take place!

For a great family day out you can go to The Mall and see The Queen lead her troops for a royal salute. The Queen attends in a horse-drawn carriage and the regiments of the Household Division along with her personal troops, parade in front of her. With over 1400 soldiers on parade, 200 horses and over 400 musicians this will be a spectacular sight to remember, especially in the Jubilee year.

The Queen is scheduled to leave Buckingham Palace at approximately 10.40am and should arrive at Horse Guards by 11am. The parade lasts about an hour, then the Queen will travel back to Buckingham Palace where the excitement continues with an appearance at 1pm on the balcony, to wave to the waiting crowd.

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