Tens of Thousands of Jobs on Offer at London 2012

Tens of Thousands of Jobs on Offer at London 2012

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is urging people to consider, research and apply for one of the tens of thousands of job opportunities that will become available between now and Games time and not to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime to be part of the London 2012 team.

To ensure the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games are a success, a huge workforce of people will be needed.

By Games time, London 2012 will have a workforce of around 6,000 paid staff, up to 70,000 volunteers and around 100,000 paid contractors.

Tens of thousands of contractor opportunities and around 4,000 roles with LOCOG will become available over the next six months.

A large percentage of the roles will be short-term opportunities starting from April 2012 and lasting the duration of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games or both.

The London 2012 Ceremonies company will also have around 350 jobs available.

There will be plenty of opportunities for students who want to take advantage of the unique opportunity to get a job at an Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Inspired by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Bridging the Gap scheme will provide students with a springboard for future careers in the security sector. On completion of the required security qualification, students will be guaranteed an interview for a role at the Games with G4S, the official security provider for London 2012.

The Games must be a catalyst for transforming the skills and jobs prospects of Londoners and I urge people to get online and check out the thousands of opportunities that will be on offer next year. Whether it's a paid job or a volunteer role as part of our ever expanding Team London initiative, there are countless ways to get involved, boost your skills and help make the Games a resounding success.

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson

The Summer Jobs of a Lifetime website, run by London 2012 official recruitment services provider Adecco, and supported by Podium - the Further and Higher Education Unit for the 2012 Games, will be an important recruitment channel for London 2012’s contractors and allows students to register their interest in working on the Games.

A wide variety of new jobs are also being created by London 2012 sponsors, suppliers and other businesses who are seeking additional staff as a result of London 2012.

Without the tens of thousands of people working on the London 2012 Games, they simply wouldn't happen. If someone wants to be able to say that they played a part in making London 2012 a success, then this is their opportunity. There is a role out there for everyone and I would urge everyone to keep an eye on our website and start applying for these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Paul Deighton, Chief Executive of LOCOG

To help ensure everyone, regardless of ability and background, can be involved with London 2012, there will jobs available at all levels which will cater for a wide range of skills and talent. LOCOG is also committed to ensuring that 15-20% of its workforce comes from the six Host Boroughs and is working closely with job brokerages and Job Centre Plus to ensure as many people in those communities are aware of opportunities with London 2012. LOCOG also wants to recruit the most diverse and inclusive team possible with a workforce representing all six diversity strands.

The London 2012 Games is creating thousands of jobs and the host boroughs are working hard to make sure that local people looking for employment opportunities can access these. For many of the roles you don't need qualifications or previous experience, so it's an opportunity for anyone to be involved.

The host boroughs' jobs brokerage schemes have a unique record of success in placing local people into new jobs. They will be working with LOCOG to ensure that their residents benefit from this opportunity and that many of the thousands of roles available are filled by local residents.

Councillor Chris Roberts, Leader of Greenwich Council and lead on employment and skills for the six Host Boroughs

Jobs with LOCOG will be available in areas such as customer service, hospitality, operations, help desk, facilities management and administration. The opportunities with contractors will be in areas including Catering, Cleaning, Security, Transport, Event Stewarding and Retail. London 2012 Ceremonies will be looking for people to join various teams, from costume to stage management.

New roles for LOCOG and London 2012 Ceremonies are being added every day and those who want to find out more should look at the www.london2012.com/jobs website.

Opportunities with contractors will be advertised in job brokerages and Job Centre Plus branches across London and the rest of the UK. Contractor opportunities will also be on the Jobs for the Games website, run by Adecco. Many London 2012 contractors will also be hiring through their own recruitment channels.

More information and opportunities available on www.london2012.com/jobs

Opportunities for students available at www.bridging-the-gap.co.uk

Contractor opportunities available with Host Borough job brokerages, Job Centre Plus and www.jobsforthegames.co.uk

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