Show Your Support and Donate on Jeans for Genes Day 2012

Show Your Support and Donate on Jeans for Genes Day 2012

This year Jeans for Genes takes place on Friday 5th October 2012.

A beautifully simple idea, the Day invites people to leave their suits and uniforms at home and wear their jeans to work or school in return for a donation.

Jeans for Genes Day provides vital care and support for children with genetic disorders. This year 23 charities will benefit from funds raised on Jeans for Genes Day.

Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that aims to transform the Jeans Genes Katielives for thousands of children affected by disorders.

Individually, genetic disorders are rare but together they affect 1 in 25 children born in the UK - that's more than 30,000 babies each year.

There are more than 6,000 recognised genetic disorders and many more that have yet to be given a name.

Genetic disorders are caused by an alteration in a child's DNA. This can involve a gene or several genes being missing, repeated or in the wrong order.

Altered genes can affect a child in many ways including their senses, their movement, their learning or their appearance. The most serious conditions can prove fatal in the early years of life.

Their associated health problems mean that genetic disorders are the biggest killer of children aged 14 years and under.

Some of the more familiar genetic conditions include Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Huntington's Disease, Haemophilia and Osteogenesis Imperfecta or Brittle Bone Disease.

The target for this year's Jeans for Genes Day is £2.5 million. To order a free fundraising pack go to or call freephone on 0800 980 4800.

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