The Second Shepherd's Play

The Second Shepherd's Play

Pell Mell Theatre Company brings a bold and hilarious re-imagining of this Medieval Mystery play to some thoroughly modern children.

Three shepherds sit on a hill grumbling about bad weather and sore feet. The reason they have to stay up all night? There is a notorious sheep thief on the loose!

So when a weary stranger turns up asking for a place to stay is it a good idea to trust him?

Probably not…

Originally written in the 15th century this neglected masterpiece has been updated, turned inside out and thoroughly messed around with by Pell Mell Theatre Company using music, puppetry and an updated text to create complete Christmas chaos!

With the stories of Shakespeare and Chaucer introduced to children at a young age, it is important for us to get them just as excited by this classic farce, showing them the jokes that were making kids like them laugh five hundred years ago.

Director Natalie York (New Diorama Theatre: Associate Director, Picnic Basket Productions: Director)

With a cast including Ayo Aloba - fresh from BBC drama "The Extraodinary Equino" in which he played 18th century hero Olaudah Equino - the production reflects Pell Mell's commitment to using the finest British acting talent.

This brand new company concentrates on breathing fresh life into classic theatre bringing innovative productions to the widest audience possible.

This is Pell Mell's second production at the New Diorama Theatre following their sold out interpretation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as part of the Camden Fringe Festival in August.

"Natalie York, founder of the brand new Pell Mell Theatre Company and director of its debut performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, should have nothing but high hopes" - Tottenham Journal

"This is one event where you will catch the stars of the future at the start of their professional careers" - London Unattached

"One of the most exciting new companies to come out of London theatre for a long time" -

Dates and Ticket Prices

Pellmell LogoMonday 12 - Thursday 15 December @ 10.30 & 13:30

Friday 16 December @ 10:30

Saturday 17 December @ 13:30

All tickets are £5

Book tickets at

Tel: 0844 209 0344

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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