A Perfect Summer Celebration at the Battle Proms

A Perfect Summer Celebration at the Battle Proms

This July and August, thousands of people are expected to pack up the picnic hampers and the champers and come together for the hugely popular Battle Proms picnic and firework concerts.

Set in some of the most prestigious stately home locations in the country including Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, and Highclere Castle on the Berkshire/Hampshire border, now best known as the real Downton Abbey, an unrivalled blend of musical talent, expert displays, spectacular pyrotechnics and a celebratory atmosphere makes the Battle Proms a truly memorable occasion!

There will be a full two hour programme of exquisite classical music performed by the renownedBattle Proms New English Concert Orchestra, plus of course all of the 'Last Night of the Proms' favourites performed by Channel 4's winning soprano Denise Leigh.

Audiences will also be treated to a tear-jerking aerial display from a WWII Spitfire, over 200 live cannons, mounted Napoleonic skill-at-arms displays and breathtaking fireworks to music.

The electric atmosphere is infectious, and as well as an enthusiastic following of regulars, each year many new visitors are learning the magic of a summer evening at the Battle Proms. With tickets already selling fast, the organisers are expecting more sell-out events in 2012.

The Lincolnshire, Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire concerts will also feature a remarkable display of precision aerobatics from the Blades Display Team. These world-renowned pilots will treat the crowd to a dynamic and cutting edge display, and also offer the chance to bid in a charity auction to fly with them as a front seat passenger!

Proceeds will be donated to the RAF Association's Wings Appeal, and the Battle Proms charity partner, Combat Stress.

At the Battle Proms you can immerse your senses. Experience the explosive colour, sparkle and spectacle of the Battle Proms Logocannon fire and the dancing fireworks lighting up the sky above a roaring crowd.

It's the pop and fizz of champagne, the thunder of hooves, the ground-shaking gun fire, the unmistakeable rumble of the Spitfire engine, the scent of the gunpowder, and the sublime music on a warm evening breeze.

In this special year of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II and the London Olympics, the Battle Proms offer a wonderful way to enjoy the best of British and join in with the flag-waving spirit that will soon be gripping the whole nation.

Two hundred years after Napoleon's famous retreat from Moscow, this is also the year to experience Tchaikovsky's celebrated 1812 Overture with the full thunderous complement of live cannon fire and fireworks - unforgettable.

If you've never been to an open-air concert before, 2012 is the year to give it a go. We're really excited about this year's programme, and linking up with the wider national celebrations.

Adam Slough, concert organiser

Over the last 15 years the organisers of the Battle Proms have developed what is now one of the most distinct and comprehensive concert programmes in the UK, this is an exceptional evening not to be missed.

With early bird and group discounts available, now is the time to gather the troops and plan your trip.

For more information and to book tickets visit the website at www.battleproms.com or call 01432 355 416 .

You can also purchase tickets locally from selected Tourist Information Centres.

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