Make Time for Tea...

Make Time for Tea...

... for your chance to meet Lorraine Kelly and raise funds for The Eve Appeal.

March 2012 is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and The Eve Appeal are once again asking for supporters to 'Make Time for Tea' and organise a tea party.

This will be their seventh year of running the campaign and this time they are inviting you to celebrate vintage glamour and host a traditional tea party to help save women's lives.

Fabulous frocks, retro crockery, kitsch cupcakes... add a vintage element to your tea party or go all out!

2012 sees the celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee - so what better time to put on that stylish 'tea dress', bring out the porcelain and invite people for some vintage fun at a quintessentially British tea party.

A tea party is a great way to get friends, family and colleagues together whilst raising money for a great cause. Take a look at some great ideas and recipes.

You can hold your tea party at home, school, work or at your local club.

Eve Appeal LogoAlmost 7,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and 4,400 will die.

Grim statistics, yet funding and awareness of ovarian cancer remains low.

The Eve Appeal is determined to change this and by taking part in the Make Time for Tea campaign you will be helping all women by funding ground-breaking research into this deadly disease.

To receive your free Make Time for Tea fundraising pack in the New Year with everything you need to get you started, please Register Now


Lorraine Kelly Competition 2012

This year, The Eve Appeal are offering their supporters the chance to attend the live filming of 'Lorraine' at the ITV Studios in London - followed by brunch at a top London hotel - and winners of the 3 competition categories will also be treated to a professional cupcake master class.

All you have to do is hold a tea party and send your money in by May 31st 2012 and you will be entered into one of the following categories

  • Highest fundraising tea party
  • Most beautiful cupcakes (send in photos with your funds)
  • Best vintage dressed host (send in photos with your funds)

For more information visit: Lorraine Kelly Competition 2012

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
