Love Food Festival returns to the National Trust's Dyrham Park

Love Food Festival returns to the National Trust's Dyrham Park

After a summer break, Love Food Festival returns to the National Trust's Dyrham Park on Sunday 30th September, from 10am - 4pm (free entry).

Feeling refreshed and revitalised, this event will kick off the first of a series of autumnal Love Food Festivals which aim to celebrate the produce, recipes and activities inspired by this new season.

The Love Food market will be packed full of spicy chorizo, freshly ground coffees, salt marsh lamb, botanical vinegars, dark chocolate brownies, local ales, seasonal fruit and vegetables,Dyrham sloe wine, award winning sausages, chutneys, hand crafted goods and much more.

The picnic area will also delight, with an excellent selection of street food providing some great lunch.

Wash this down with award-winning cider and the Festival's much loved soundtrack and this will make for a very great Sunday.

Free children's activities for all ages will also be provided as Love Food Festival will be supporting the National Trust's 50 Things to do before you are 11 3/4 campaign, encouraging children to become less sofa-bound and get back out into the countryside.

The exceptionally talented Ben Rothery will be running a series of nature drawing workshops for older children, using his own sketches and skills to teach how to draw British birds, leaves, nests and other objects from the great outdoors.

There will also be the chance to do some traditional pottery, with a local artist there to help guide and teach people how to use the potter's wheel and create their own masterpiece. There will also be a 'Welly Wanging' competition and if that still does not suffice then there is always 272 acres of beautiful parkland to explore.

Younger children will also be entertained, with face painting, arts and craft and the spell-binding Tanya Rich there to captivate children's imaginations in a special storytelling yurt.

Whether you come for the weekly shop, a tasty lunch, some nature inspired and traditional arts and crafts or even just a dog walk, Love Food urges you to come and celebrate the beginning of autumn at Dyrham Park on Sunday 30th September.

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