London is Getting Greener

London is Getting Greener

To prove it, the London Green Fair returns with another massive dose of everything good and green about the capital.

Celebrating its 20th birthday this year on 9th and 10th of June in Regent's Park, the folks at the London Green Fair certainly have a lot of experience producing the festival - the greenest event in the capital.

It recently won Best Event at the National Climate Week Awards and best of all it's FREE.

Powered entirely by renewable energy, with education and entertainment at its core, it's a wicked day out in a beautiful central London park with some 20,000 visitors.

The event features two live music stages with cutting edge contemporary festival music (including DJs and reggae, rock, Latin, African, hip hop, alternative, electro, dub and beat boxing music).London Green Fair

There will also be a high profile debating arena, plus an 80-piece symphonic orchestra from Holland, a great children's area, theatre and dance, the Electric BikeFest, the permaculture zone, the sustainable living zone and hundreds of boutique market stalls, campaigning groups and organic food and drink.

From a small gathering of focused activists held in the railways arches at Kings Cross in the late 80's, this flagship environmental festival now attracts tens of thousands of people.

It also provides a platform for over 100 different community and campaigning groups to reach a massive audience.

The free event will showcase an array of entertainment and education to around 20,000 expected visitors.

This year's festival is going to take the level of entertainment a step higher. Introducing a new second music stage, Sinclair Eiloart, Festival Director, said:

This year's festival is looking stronger, more fun, and more relevant as we approach the event. We are on our way to becoming the UK's leading environmental awareness event in terms of new ideas and visitor numbers.

The music line-up is as diverse as the city of London. A twisted brass, art-punk marching band which describes itself as "an acoustic and theatrical tour de force" will interest an eclectic audience.

The 80-piece symphonic orchestra from Holland performing in a natural amphitheatre provides a gentler, classical touch.

World music featuring African rhythms from the Congo and Ivory Coast brings sounds of the London-African underground to the stage. A fusion of Cuban salsa, soul and funk adds to the international flavour. And there is much much more.London Green Fair A

With the aim to provide a platform for environment-related artforms from diverse communities, the festival’s popular Speakers' Arena showcases talks, seminars, debates and panels about current issues.

This year's topic of 'Business: friend or foe in the fight against climate change' will see debates by Friends of the Earth, the Green MEP for London and head of sustainability at Waitrose. Films will also be shown on a big screen.

The children's activities in the popular family-friendly area contain free dance and music classes, storytelling and chill out space.

This year a performance about peak oil wrapped up in a theatrical fairytale will appeal to kids and adults alike. And other outdoor theatre performances will take place on both days as well.

The BikeFest (a festival of all things bike within a festival) goes electric and provides an opportunity to test ride and find out all about the latest electric bikes. There will also be cycle maintenance workshops, free safety checks and minor repairs, along with music-powered cycling.

The London Green Fair recently won its second award and was nominated for more (March 2012 saw the Best Event award from the national Climate Week Awards and 2008 saw the prestigious Greener festival award for its commitment to environmental excellence).

The event also provides a platform for over 100 different community and campaigning groups to reach a massive audience. It features a unique selection of green and fair-trade market stalls, providing visitors with a range of products that are not only environmentally sound, but also rarely found in mainstream shops.London Green Fair Logo

Remaining true to its roots, the festival is set up as a social enterprise, and is still completely free to attend.

The event is organised by dedicated volunteers, supported by a small delivery team, and is set up as a not-for-profit social enterprise. It relies on the support of many local businesses and organisations, community groups and campaigning organisations.

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