A Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders

A Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders

With Eating Disorders Awareness Week 20th - 26th February 2012 nearly upon us - a survey of over 600 people by Beat - the leading UK eating disorders charity - has revealed that 65% felt bullying had contributed to their eating disorder.

This is a 41% increase on a similar survey carried out by the charity in 2009 which campaigns around raising self esteem and more detailed research into the link between eating disorders and bullying.

The illnesses are serious psychiatric conditions, affect 1.6million people in the UK and have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.

The survey also found that 49% were less than 10 years old when the bullying started and many stated that the effects had stayed with them into their 40s and 50s.

Worryingly only 22% actually received any help from someone to overcome their bullying.

46yr old Cathy from Derbyshire was bullied from the age of 12. Her experiences included a teacher as well as her peers.

The bullying made me lose my once bubbly personality and my confidence and self esteem was at an all time low. I was too frightened to go out and felt incredibly isolated. It was a traumatic experience as the bullies were once my best friends - I will never forget the feelings of despair and loneliness.

Beat Chief Executive Susan Ringwood commented:

There is still a great deal of stigma and misunderstanding surrounding eating disorders and it should be remembered that even a thoughtless remark can contribute to a lifelong struggle. Bullying undermines self confidence and lowers self esteem raising the risk of an eating disorder - a significant factor for too many people. Beat is calling for detailed research into links with eating disorders - to find a way to help people walk away from these experiences without any lasting effects.

Information supplied courtesy of BEAT www.b-eat.co.uk

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