An Interview with James Martin

An Interview with James Martin

James Martin answers some questions about his ideal dinner party guests and what he would cook for a British gold medal winner. Read his interview to find out more, including what he would choose as his last meal...

What would you cook a British gold medal winner to celebrate their win?
I would cook them Roast Pork Belly - (cooked in dripping!) Sports stars spend their life in training eating meals recommended by their nutritionists and must feel like they are constantly on a regime! I'd reward them for the highest accolade a sportsman can achieve with a well deserved treat.

Who would be your ideal dinner party guests?
My family - I am working so hard at the moment that I hardly get to see the people I love. If I could I would also add my late grandmother to the list.

Cooking or driving?
I have to do one to pay for the other - I'm better at cooking though!

What will you be cooking up for the audience at the BBC Good Food Show Winter this year?
I'll be cooking in a similar style to the dishes I do on Saturday Kitchen. It will be simple seasonal ideas for Christmas and the festive period. I'm not a great fan of Turkey so I'll be showing some fantastic ideas for an alternative Christmas dinner including Lobster Bisque and Slow–Roast Belly of Pork with Apple Sauce and Mash.

You're a regular at the BBC Good Food Shows up and down the country - do you think it’s important for a chef to be able to cook live in front of an audience?
Yes and it's not as easy as it seems. Watching someone cooking can be quite boring so as a chef doing demonstrations to a live audience you have to learn to make it interesting and enjoyable and keep the audience entertained for the full time. I put a lot of thought into the dishes I cook.

What would be your last meal?
A 99 with a flake - I always have an ice cream van at the parties I host at my house.

Are people more adventurous with Christmas food than we have been in the past?
There is an enormous amount of choice in the supermarkets now, with ingredients such as lemon-grass and coriander readily available which we could hardly have dreamed of 20 years ago. I think it's fantastic that the home cook can embrace this choice and with more TV shows focussing on food and cooking now people can be provided with knowledge from top chefs to take home and use in their own kitchens - I believe this gives people more confidence to cook adventurously than they have possibly had in the past.

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